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Minho stares at the big doors he had completely forgotten about until this very moment. Yet now that he stood before them, he noticed its fine golden details again. The boy didn't know why, but he couldn't help but be incredibly nervous. The last thing he remembered was going to sleep with Jisung in his arms, so why was he standing before the doors of the Gods once again? Surely he succeeded, right?
The doors suddenly opened, revealing the five chairs with their representative leaders sitting in them. Minho coughed, his throat feeling dry as he made his way through the giant hall. Once he stood before them, he gave them a curt bow. For reasons Minho didn't want to know, Grald seemed quite furious. As if Lazera knew it was worrying Minho, she spoke up.

"I've seen things have been going quite well, right Minho?"

"I uhh, I do believe so. Things seem to be feeling good, I'm not really that anxious anymore."

"Good. The reason we called you here, is because this is the last time you'll be seeing us." Malba spoke up, his voice fighting Felix' for which one's lower. Minho slightly panicked though, if he succeeded, wouldn't it mean he would see the Gods again when he died again?

"You're looking too far into things," Aries spoke, probably reading his mind. "you won't be seeing us again, for a while that is." She sighed at Malba's poor choice of words, the man just shrugging in feigned ignorance. He was always one to scare newer angels.

"I see. Well, that's a relief. You got me worried there for a second."

"How so? Are you unsure whether or not you succeeded in 'saving' your soulmate?" Lazara commented again, a small smile displayed on her lips.

"Not really? However, this entire thing made me realize how stressful this soulmate thing can be. Sometimes I genuinely wasn't sure whether I wasn't feeling well, or if it was Su— Jisung. Not only that, but he still had to be the one to decide if he wanted to live. I could only be an influence, but it was ultimately his choice."

"That's why angels rarely go to Earth. The chances of failing are higher than the chance to succeed. I'm glad it worked out for you both though, Theos here was rooting for you." Grald speaks and nudges towards one of the twins. Minho shivered slightly, the gods telling him he beat the odds made him feel oddly proud of himself, but even more so of Jisung. They really pulled through together.

"It seems it's time for you to go back. Remember this Minho; even though you succeeded now, there may still be times ahead where things get rocky. Like you said, it takes two for this to work. You won't be send to Hell if things go wrong because you did succeed, but I wanted to let you know either way." Aries said, Minho nodding in response. He always knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he didn't want it any other way.

"Oh and since you succeeded, you are no longer an angel. When you wake up, all the powers you still had will be gone."

Minho felt a wave of relief wash over him. He didn't have to hide it from Jisung anymore. Since, you know... he had nothing to hide if he wasn't an angel. He was a little sad the emotional link he felt between them would be gone, but he ultimately decided it'd be for the better.

"Goodbye Lee Minho, at least for now." Lazera spoke.

"Goodbye, for hopefully a long time." Minho said and smiled. The last thing he saw was the five gods waving him goodbye as he got swallowed by darkness. What felt like not even a second later, his eyes opened and he was back in his room. He looked to his side only to find Jisung snuggled into him, his arm lazily draped around the elder's torso. Minhi smiled to himself and kissed the top of his boyfriend's head. The road ahead would be a long one, but he was ready to spend all that time with the boy in his arms.

"God, I love you so fucking much." Minho whispered, placing yet another kiss on the boy's head.

"Hrmmh.. Iwuvutoo" Jisung muttered, his voice filled with sleep. Minho chuckled, his eyes nearly turning into heart shapes. He realised he indeed couldn't feel the anxious feeling anymore, but the warm feeling of Jisung's happiness was also gone.



"I'm happy." Jisung tilted his head upwards, putting it onto Minho's chest as he stared at him through his lashes. At first it was a questioning look, but it soon turned into a smile.

"Good, so am I...

I'm the happiest when I'm with you."

"Wow, I'm telling Changbin that. Say bye to your best friend status!"



This is it. I really finished this story ;—; we started with Minho in 'Heaven', it felt right to bring it back full circle. Again, thanks to you all who have read this. I don't really have anything more to say. Just take care of yourselves physically and mentally. Stay healthy and keep on supporting Stray Kids. Eight or None <3

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