XI. Together

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The tension was so high, Jeongin was sure the entire school was able to feel it. The seven of them were seated together at the lunch table and everything was fine, until Minho had taken a seat on the opposite side of Jisung. The awkwardness was oozing off of the two, eye contact was being avoided at all costs whilst five boys were very confused as to what had happened to cause this energy. Changbin obviously knowing why it was so awkward couldn't help but watch from the side, clearly amused as he failed to hide his knowing smirk.

"So... Nice lunch we're having, aye?" Hyunjin said as he stabbed a dumpling with his chopsticks, earning a whack over his head from the boy next to him. "Learn how to eat with manners, you cow." Chan had snapped at him. It was playful but everyone knew he secretly ment some of it. Being the oldest, he would make sure his dongsaengs were well behaved.

"H-Hey! Don't speak to my boyfriend like that!"

The awkwardness shifted from the left side of the table to the three boys in the center. All eyes were on Jeongin, then they would go back to Hyunjin, then back to Jeongin. It seemed as if Minho and Jisung completely forgot about their awkward stares as they became heavily invested as the shit show next to them went down.
"BOYFRIEND?????" Chan yelled, earning a few stares from the table to their right. Opting to ignore them, Changbin continued. "How do you have so much game at such a young age, Jeongin? When I was your age I was alone and desperate."

"So, like how you are now?" Seungmin sassed, earning a glare from Changbin. "It's 'cause I swing both ways, hyung. My market is way bigger! Maybe it's time you expand as well." Jeongin joked, nudging the elder. "Well you really got yourself the biggest fish in the sea, huh?" Chan smiled, winking at Hyunjin. Hyunjin laughed loudly. "His hook is big, I just got caught and now I can't let go."

"Two things. Can you stop before I gag and... please don't tell me that was an innuendo involving Jeongin's... yeah... That's not info I want to know." Seungmin said with a clear frown on his face. Jeongin's face grew bright red as his boyfriend quickly came to his defense.
"Well, to get back to you... Jeongin" Changbin interrupted, trying to steer away from the conversation that was about to unfold further, "I just like pussy too much, that's all." Jisung, who was peacefully drinking his banana milk as he watched everything unfold, choked and snorted at Changbin's statement. The banana milk went through his nose and started to flow down his face.
"Changbin what the fuck!" He yelped. Minho laughed as he reached into his bag, grabbing a tissue and handing it to his crush.

"Whaaaat? I ain't lying. Wouldn't want a dick up my ass, just being honest."

"You know" Hyunjin spoke, "you could also be the one doing the dicking."

"I LITERALLY CANNOT BELIEVE YOU GUYS." Jisung whined as he pouted, his eyes finally meeting Minho's again, a look of 'please save me from this conversation I'm begging you' in his eyes. The older just snickered and shook his head. Boys would be boys, or something like that.
"Guys... Sungie is a baby, please respect his innocence." Minho joked as Changbin laughed. Jisung sighed and put his head on the table. "I can't believe these are the types of people I befriend after being a loner for my entire high school career. Now I get to college and this is what I get?" He said to himself, Changbin and Jeongin heard and laughed. "I don't know what you were expecting of horny male teenagers, not gonna lie." Jeongin laughed.

"Please, you're 18. You're a child." Jisung sighed.

"You're literally 19 you toddler." Hyunjin said, standing up for his boyfriend. Jisung could already tell those two were going to be clingy as hell. "Like you aren't 19 yourself..." he muttered out quietly, not wanting to lose the argument but clearly having been defeated.
"Aaaaannyyywaays." Seungmin interveined, not wanting the conversation to drag on any longer. "You all want to come to my house on Friday? Have a sleepover? My parents are our of town, my hyung will be there though."

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