IV. Blooming

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The morning came faster than Jisung would off liked, feeling like he had gotten no sleep at all. He stretched, cracking multiple bones in his spine. He would've loved to stay in bed a little longer but sadly, it was time to get out of bed and start his routine.
After doing the usual, he left his house and locked the front door. He looked over at the car, contemplating taking it. He really didn't feel like walking to school. In the end he decided it was not worth it and to save up on the gas for when he might actually need it. He arrived at school perfectly on time, however this time instead of being greeted by just Changbin, Minho was there as well.

"Good morning, Sungie! Did you sleep well?"

"Morning, hyungs. I slept like a baby but for some reason it feels like I could sleep a hundred years more." The youngest said whilst a yawn slipped from his mouth, emphasising just how tired he was. Feeling someone stare at him, he looked up to find Minho staring at him. As their eyes met, Minho just flashed him a gentle smile. "At least you slept well, maybe you'll feel better when your body has fully woken up!" The corners of his mouth curved upwards even more than before and Jisung couldn't help but feel flustered by the boy's kindness and incredible visuals.

After the first two periods had ended, the boys met up at third. It was the class before lunch and Jisung couldn't wait to give his mind a break. He quickly sat down in his seat and waited for Changbin to come in and sit down next to him. As Changbin entered the classroom, Jisung couldn't help but notice he was with Minho once again. He hated the feeling deep in his stomach, yet he couldn't help but be jealous and worried at the same time. Changbin was his best best best friend in the world, it worried him that the fact Changbin could forget about him and become best friends with Minho instead. It was a silly thought, Jisung knew that. The feeling wouldn't subside though, only growing stronger as his mind went on about how mich easier it would be on Changbin if he just replaced Jisung. The latter zoned out and didn't even notice Changbin had taken his respective seat beside him until the latter put his arm around Jisung's shoulders.

"Sung, you good?" Changbin raised one of his eyebrows, noticing the distant look in Jisung's eyes. He assumed it was because his best friend was tired like he had stated earlier in the day, but it never hurt to ask regardless. "Ah, yeah. I was just lost in thoughts, I guess." He gave a sheepish smile, secretly happy Changbin pulled him out of the rabbit hole he was mentally falling into.
Their teacher walked in shortly after and began a recap of what they had been learning in the last few weeks of class. Jisung was pretty good at science, he just hadn't been paying attention in classes as much as he should. It would be no problem to catch up though, it was the one class he got the best grades in. Beside music of course, however he didn't count that as it was his major.

"So, you'll be doing a project from the syllabus of this block. This time, I've already decided the pairs you'll be working in seeing some of you didn't work as well together in the past. The person you'll be asigned to will be your seatmate for the next two weeks. Please take this seriously as it counts towards 20% of your final grade. After the two weeks, it needs to be done and handed in."
It was as if Jisung's soul had left his body. He just knew in his gut he would not be paired with Changbin. They always teamed up before this and whilst it had always worked out really well, Jisung knew he wouldn't be so lucky. Teachers would say it's good to 'socialize', or whatever. His palms started sweating and he started tapping his foot. The second it had been announced, Changbin had looked his way. Seeing Jisung's habbit of not being able to sit still when anxious, he placed his hand on the younger's thigh.

"You'll be fine, Sung. If your partner sucks balls, I'll sneakily help you on the side, okay?" Changbin whispered quickly, hoping it'd make Jisung feel better. He only received a curt nod, it clearly didn't sit well with the younger. The latter did appreciate it though, he was just scared to be paired up with some of the slackers. Seeing this was only a side class, not everyone put as much effort into it as they probably should.

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