I. Heaven

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"Minho-ssi, you've been called to meet with the senate."

Minho looked up from his book, wondering what they would be needing him for. He was sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree, enjoying the warmt of the sun. A woman in all white had approached him and told him what he had just heard. Confused, he nodded before standing up. The angel had felt weird all day ever since he had woken up earlier in the morning. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it was an undescribable form of nausea. Minho hadn't been in Heaven that long and was scared he might've broken a rule without knowing. He hadn't heard what happened to those who dissobeyed the rules and he wasn't too keen on finding out. He stood up and followed the lady, keeping up with her fast pace towards the center of the city.

When going to Heaven, you have the option to forget your life on Earth or to keep your memories upon entering 'Heaven'. The boy watched the people he passed on the city's central square, wondering how many had chosen to forget, like him. It was too upsetting for most people to remember, seeing they could never be with their loved ones again. At least, not until those passed away themselves as well. It was also the reason some decided to remember, seeing they would want to be reunited with their friends and family. Minho obviously couldn't remember why he decided to forget, but he figured he didn't have anyone he wanted to wait for. Him and the woman, who just like everyone else seemed to be in her mid twenties, watched the giant temple-like building come into view. It was where the senate of the Gods resided it made Minho a little nervous.

The two had walked towards the gigantic doors of the temple, the woman knocked thrice on them before she turned to Minho and left after bowing at a perect angle. The doors slowly opened by themselves as Minho made his way inside the building. He walked towards the 5 Gods sitting in front of him before he halted right in front of him.

"I heard I was summoned to come here." He said as he bowed his head in respect.

"Yes. It is good to see you doing well here, Lee Minho. How have you been holding up?"

"It has been quite comfortable, I must admit. I made some friends already, it's been nice." Anyone on Earth would think God is intimidating and scary. In fact, that is not the case at all. There are 5 Gods making sure things run smoothly in this large part of Heaven. Two females and three males make up the 'senate'. Most of them look to be in their thirties. Lazera was the oldest God among them all. She was kind and made sure things ran smoothly within Heaven and that no angels would try to break any rules and try to go to Earth. The other Gods are Grald, the twins Malba and Theos and lastly, Aries. Aries chose to name herself after one of the constellations when she decided to forget her previous life. Minho was quite fascinated by the idea of Gods, so he had done a lot or research on them when he had arrived in Heaven just a little over two weeks prior to this meeting.

"Glad to hear that. Now, you must wonder why we summoned you here."

"I am pretty curious, yes."

"Well" Malba spoke up, his deep voice rumbling through the room, "Your soulmate needs you." The hairs on Minho's body stood up as a shiver ran over his spine. He had read about this when he'd looked up the story of Theos. Some angels have a chance to have a soulmate on Earth. They can either decide to go back to Earth and try to save them or choose to stay in Heaven. If they do decide to help, they turn human again and are able to live with their soulmate for the rest of their livespan on Earth if they succeed, both going to Heaven when they pass away. That is, if they of course not commit any major crimes like murder. It was a dangerous gamble to take, the chance of not being able to save them would mean going to Hell for hte guardian angel.

"I see." Minho didn't know what to say. It did explain the weird feeling he had felt all day.

"Do you want to know who it is?" Aries asked.

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