XIV. Close

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Jisung was excited that following Saturday morning. He had paid the rent in time, whilst also having enough money left to buy enough groceries for a little while. He was smiling as he laid on the couch, eyes closed as he enjoyed the music that was softly playing from the radio. It was the first time in a while he had sat in the living room in peace alone. He had been so busy the entire week, just returning to his bedroom whenever he got home. Whilst it made him feel slightly guilty for thinking that way, he felt like a weight had washed off his shoulders now that his father wasn't in the house anymore. He could study in the kitchen whilst eating dinner without having to hear his father's incoherent rambles. He didn't fear being hurt. It felt nice.

He opened his eyes, sitting up as he took a glance at the clock. It was almost 1 pm, the time Minho was supposed to arrive. Wanting to make a good impression, he stood up and cleaned the living room a little, placing all empty glasses in the dishwasher and throwing away some of the trash he hadn't thrown out the night before. He nodded to himself, approving of the state of the living room. He wanted to place some snacks on the table, but decided he would wait to know what Minho liked.
he hummed a song to himself, walking towards the radio to shut if off. Not long after, the doorbell rang. Jisung quickly made his way over to the door before opening it. He didn't understand how Minho always managed to take his breath away, but he did just that this time again as well.

"Hey, hyung. Come on in!" Minho greeted the younger as well before stepping into the hall. Jisung closed the door as Minho put his jacket in the closet to the left, taking his shoes off in the meantime. The two of them walked into the living room, Minho's bag in his hand.

"Have a seat, hyung. Would like to drink something?"

"Just water is fine, thanks Sungie." Minho sat down at the diningtable as he pulled out his books. He felt like a role model student, doing studying three weeks in advance and on a Saturday as well? It felt like that didn't happen in real life too often, but here he was. Jisung returned to the table, holding two glasses in one hand and a bowl of chips in the other. Minho immediately grabbed the glasses out of the younger's hands, not wanting anything to spill. As their fingers grazed passed one another, they both could feel butterflies spark within their stomachs. Both could only think of how whipped they are for one another that a simple touch got them feeling that way.

"T-Thanks. I'm sure I had it, though." Jisung said and smiled, taking Minho by surprise as he sat down next to him instead of the opposite side.

"This way I can look at what you're doing better, right?" He smiled at Minho who in return gave him a small nod. "Yeah, that's pretty smart. So, lets start right? That way if we finish early we could do some fun stuff?"

"I'm not sure what we could do, but sure. I don't really have any games or anything in my house though." Minho looked at the younger who seemed to frown as he went through his notes. He couldn't help but feel bad for Jisung, who always seemed to feel embarrassed over his life. It must feel bad, seeing all your friends around you have all the coolest gadgets, whilst you yourself are stuck with an old hand-me-down phone as well as no consoles to play on. Minho gave him a pat on his shoulder, the other instantly looking up at him.

"We could go to a little cafe closeby afterwards, if you want? That's what I had in mind. I'll treat you, okay?"

'Like a date like a date it's like a date ohmygod does he think it is like a date?!'

"Sure, sounds good hyungie." Jisung smiled and with that, they got to work. It turned out Minho was tragic at the subject, not understanding anything. Jisung surprisingly was super patient, calmly explaining the same things over and over again. After nearly two hours, the two decided to take a break and head to the cafe Minho had mentioned earlier. Their brains being completely melted, they needed a break before they could finish studying for the day.
The two walked closely next to one another, the November air cold and dry in their faces. It wasn't usual for the cold winter to start so early in Seoul, but this year had been different. Minho sometimes sneaked glances at the younger who was bundled up in a beanie, a thick winter jacket as well as a long burgundy scarf. At the same time however, the younger was doing the same. He had borrowed Minho his favorite scarf which his mother had made for him when he was younger. It was one that was completely attached and you pulled over your head, securing it around your neck very well. Jisung wasn't able to fit it over his head anymore, but it had turned out Minho's was pretty small.

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