X. Fallen

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Minho anxiously rings the doorbell, just hoping Jisung didn't fall through with his plans in the end. He had taken his bike and raced there at the speed of sound. The door opened and revealed which Minho assumed to be Jisung's dad. He immediately felt his anger rise but decided to play dumb and remain calm. For now. If he had to get angry at any point, he sure as hell would.

"Hi. I'm here to see Jisung! I'm his friend Minho, nice to meet you." The last part was spoken through gritted teeth but Jisung's father was too oblivious to notice. The man reeked of alcohol, causing Minho to wonder if this was a reoccuring theme.

"H'llowe! C'me onin kiddo!" Minho surprised by how easy that went, quickly zoomed passed the older. "Which room would be his, when I get upstairs?"

"Y'go left and then.... it's on yourright... no, left. Yes, left!"

"Alright, thanks sir." Minho turned around, storming up the stairs, as he knocked on the first door to his left, he got no response. He got nervous and knocked again. Still nothing. Deciding it was worth it to catch Jisung in an awkward situation rather than something else, he pushed the door open.

It was the bathroom.

He sighed in frustration as well as relief before he closed it, turning around and knocking on the door that was now facing him. He heard a small 'come in', confirming it was indeed Jisung's room. He opened the door and gave Jisung a sad smile before closig and locking it behind him. The younger had unlocked the door earlier after knowing Minho was on the way.
"Hi." Was all Minho could say, slowly making his way over to Jisung's bed. The boy seemed to be writing on a notepad pretty intensely, not daring to look up at the elder. He hoped not looking back at Minho would cause the older to not ask questions. "Can I join you?" Jisung just nods. "Could you, uhh, sit like we did this afternoon? O-Only if you don't mind, of course." Minho smiled warmly before climbing in Jisung's bed with him, positioning the pillow against the headboard before sitting down against it. Jisung put his back against Minho's chest, a wave of relief hitting him.

"What are you writing?"

"Some song lyrics, it helps distract me from doing... well, you know." Jisung responded, still not familiar with anyone knowing besides Changbin. Even with him they rarely spoke about it, so he really didn't know how to talk about the situation.

"Yeah, about that..." Minho started, nervous on what to say specifically as well. He had gotten to know so many other sides of Jisung today and he genuinely didn't know how to tackle them all. Was he even able to help the boy with all of this? "You want to tell me some stuff? I know it might not be what you want and I might not be the person to have all the right answers but I want to be there for you. So, please share anything you're comfortable with but please do talk to Changbin about all this too, alright? I'm assuming he knows more than I do and you initially wanted to call him anyways."

Jisung sighed. He wasn't ready to say a lot of the things that brought him to this point. He didn't want Minho to think differently of him but he already knew that was way out of question. Minho was aware he self harmed, that will probably put him on eggshells around the younger. He would already be looked at differently, like he was some broken compass who points to any direction but north.

"My dad hit me. It is the first time he ever has, I promise. H-He just... was fuming. In his mind, I left him alone for practically three days. It must've also been the alcohol, he usually isn't like this. I-It just... made me feel like I was worthless even to my father. He's never this drunk, though. It must've gotten to him or something." Jisung wasn't ready to reveal his father's alcoholic tendencies. He was already worrying enough over the fact Minho knows about both his anxiety attacks as well as his self harm habits. He was scared he would lose the new friend he had just made.
"I see... I'm so sorry Jisung. You didn't deserve to get hit. Was it really the first time, though? I trust you, but I hope you're not lying about that. You can trust me, too." Minho didn't really believe Jisung's dad wasn't always like this, especially if he had felt like Jisung wasn't home for three days. Still, he didn't pressure Jisung to say more than he was comfortable with and decided to just support the boy silently with this.

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