III. Earth

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Minho couldn't get the boy out of his head. Sure, he knew that Jisung was his soulmate and that it would make him feel things stronger than anything else, but still. The boy was breathtaking and cute on top of that as well. He wished he could take a picture of him and look at him forever... which made him sound somewhat creepy, but he told himself it would just be out of adoration. He had already mentally cursed at the books back up in Heaven a couple of times, them saying you wouldn't fall head over heels for you soulmate was a big, fat lie. When he had walked into that classroom, he had to hold every ounce of his being back just to make sure he wouldn't continuously stare at the younger, Minho just wanting to be close to the boy already.

"So Minho, where did you transfer from?" Chan asked, sparking a conversation between them as he brought Minho back to reality. Right, he was going to hang out at Seungmin's place. His mind easily went back to the 'fake' memories he had as he easily answered Chan's question.

"Ah, I came from Busan! I was studying communication, but I felt like my major wasn't what I really wanted to do. So, I moved here in hopes of following my dreams, which is dancing. I've been dancing since I was little, so it only made sense to do something more serious with it."
"I'm glad you decided to do what felt right for you. I hope it all works out!" Chan said, giving Minho the most earnest smile he had seen all day, or maybe even ever. He already knew him and Chan were going to be great friends as the older of the two just seemed to be the biggest sweetheart around.

"Yeah... I just hope it works out, too." Of course, Minho was refering to Jisung here. He had felt so strongly about coming back to Earth. He was scared why Jisung needed him so much though. The boy seemed to be very closed off and it worried Minho to no end.

Not long after that small conversation, the four arrived at Seungmin's house. They went into the living room where they quickly made themselves comfortable on the couch whilst Seungmin asked what everyone wanted to drink before dissapearing into the kitchen, Chan strolling behind him to help Seungmin. Changbin owned a Switch himself, so he turned it on and quickly set up Super Smash Bros, the three boys waiting for the other two to return.

The boys played for 3 hours before Minho and Changbin decided to head home. They had found out the both of them both lived in the same dorm complex which was on the edge on the campus' grounds. They'd bid Chan and Seungmin goodbye as they made their way back to their homes together. "Thank you for inviting me and making me feel welcome, I really appreciate it." Minho began.
"No biggie. I know what it's like to be the new kid. I transferred schools during middle school. It really sucked not knowing anyone, but luckily it's easier to make friends when you're kid. I also met Jisung back then and we've been stuck together like glue ever since."

"Yeah, Jisung seems really nice. Hope he gets to talk more to me soon, he seemed a little shy. I hope it't not because I seem intimidating or something, I really want to get along with him."Minho didn't know how much those words made Changbin feel relieved. As Jisung's closest friend, he often worried for his dongsaeng. The kid had a lot of issues and if he was given the opportunity, he would close himself off completely. Changbin was never going to let that happen and Jisung knew that, but it still caused the older to put all of his attention on Jisung. Changbin always involved him in everything and whilst Jisung didn't always tell him how grateful he was, the older of the two didn't need to hear it. He knew what it ment to the lonely boy.

"I'm glad you like him. He's the goofiest guy on the planet, once he starts to open up." Minho didn't notice Changbin's sad little frown, he was instead taken aback by that statement. The shy, quiet, Jisung? A goofball? Minho couldn't wait to find out more. He didn't get to ask more about it as the two had already arrived at the large building that they called home. They quickly exchanged phone numbers, making sure they would be able to get to know each other better when it wasn't during school hours.

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