XII. Clash

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(I really love this chapter, I hope you do too.)

As the boys are watching the movie, Minho notices Jisung slowly creep up onto him more and more. He lets out a quiet laugh as the younger hides his face in Minho's shirt when the fight scene gets a little too gorey for the youngers' liking. Jisung had never been the one to enjoy bloody scenes, he prefered superhero movies where the characters would usually die out of frame. Minho meets eyes with Hyunjin and he can see the other smirk at him which earns the boy sends a playful glare before both turn their focus back on the movie.
At the end, the main character comes up victorious as it pans to them returning to their every day life. He hears Jisung let out a sigh and feels the younger remove himself from their touch. Action must've been a little too uncomfortable for him, perhaps? Minho writes a mental note to remember that for the next time they hang out.

"Man, that movie was sick!" Felix says and Hyunjin quickly agrees. "Right?! The fight where the eyes got gauged out, oh my fucking god!"

"I thought that shit was nasty." Seungmin chirps in and Jisung furiously nods his head in agreement. "I thought it was alright." Minho adds on, "It wasn't the best movie ever, but pretty damn enjoyable nonetheless."

"Enjoyable? What part of a human being ripped to shreds is enjoyable? I still get chills thinking back." Jisung says as his body literally shakes for a second. The boys laugh at him being do dramatic.

"So, now what?" Hyunjin said, bouncing up and down his chair. He had a very short attention span,especially if he had consumed any form of caffeine. He had drank two iced americanos that evening, nearly spilling some on his shirt the second time, already having too much energy from the first one.
"This might sound lame, but how about truth or dare? We've only been a solid group for a week now, it might be nice to get to know each other a little more through some games like these?" Chan suggested. Everyone agreed it seemed like a good idea and they made themselves more comfortable. Seungmin's brother Wonpil came downstairs to get a drinkn at that exact moment, but he declined the offer to join the game. He was quite tired from his job, so he decided to head on over to bed a little early. The seven remaining boys promised him they'd try to keep it down, but no promises were made.

"Okay, who goes first?"

"I go first, I go first!" Hyunjin exclaimed, happy to move on from just sitting still for the past two or so hours. "Jeonginnie! Truth or dare?"


"Hmm, what do I want to know from you...? Oh! Have you ever been arrested?" Felix nearly spit out his drink as he started laughing, not having expected such an opening question to their silly little game. "You need to know if your boyfriend has a clean record?"

"I mean, always good to know." Hyunjin snickered. Jeongin laughed and shook his head. "I have not. I did get a ticket though for illegally riding the metro."

"A crime! A monster!" Seungmin announced, acting dramatically in the process.

"No! I forgot my card and I had to get to an exam on time! I had just turned 18 so I couldn't get away with it for being underage either..."

"But did you make it on time for the exam though?" Jisung asked, pointing at the younger as if to validate his point. "I did indeed!" The boys applauded him and called it 'worth it', before Jeongin chose the next person.

"Jisung hyung! Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with truth as well." He heard Hyunjin shout 'lame' and got nervous, but when he looked at the olders' expression he noticed he was just kidding as the boy seemed excited to hear from his new friend.
"What is something you recently did that you regret?" Jisung's eyes widened a little. Minho immediately shot him a concerned look, but it went unnoticed by everyone. Minho thought about the events that had happened on wednesday, however Jisung could only think about the weekend for the most part.

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