Chapter 2

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 The silhouette of the man had bangs cut just above his eyebrows, and he stood at average height, still taller than you. His presence was somehow intimidating, even though you couldn't clearly see him.

As he stepped into the light, you identified the dark leather clothing and a belt with a cross on it. He had blond-ish hair, with icy blue eyes and a smirk plastered on his face. Somehow, his sense of style made him even more intimidating.

Taking a bite out of the chocolate, he inspected the three of you standing before him.

"Interesting." he muttered nonchalantly, though he observed you a few moments longer than the others.

Unlike the other men, who had looked down, you kept eye contact with him for as long as he glanced at you. After breaking his stare, he looked back at Matt.

"Good to see you." he said.

"Likewise," Matt replied.

Matt turned to you. "This is Mello, my boss and friend from Wammy's house."

"Ah. Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N," you politely returned.

"And these two?" Mello inquired, barely acknowledging your response.

"The name's Bob." one's voice shaked.

"I-I'm Jason." another whimpered.

"So this is the best you could do, Matt?" Mello scoffed.

"You'll find that Y/N will be very helpful. She used to be an assassin, you know."

Mello choked on his chocolate. "Her? An assassin? No way."

"You wanna say that again, buddy?" you said arrogantly.

The whole room went silent and you realized your mistake. Though you may have been well respected in your former workplace, here, you were unknown.

Mello chuckled. "You know, you're the first person to speak to me like that. Most would just hold their tongues. I like it."

"I like to say what's on my mind," you said.

Bob and Jason looked at each other, then you, faces full of fear. Bob was the one who had called you fragile before, and he seemed to be regretting it now that you were on Mello's good side.

"While I do trust Matt's judgement, I'd like to see for myself how skilled you are." Mello told you. "You," he pointed at a man to his side.

"Y-yes?" he stuttered.

"Fight the girl."

After hearing his order, the man straightened up a bit, and grinned, as if thinking you would be an easy fight.

Looking at the man, you felt bad. He doesn't know what's coming for him. Poor guy.

Not changing your stance, you waited for him to make the first move. He was already losing stamina as he held out his hands, coming near you.

Taking a shot at you, you quickly dodged, and ended up behind him. There, you were able to knock him down to the ground. Sitting on top of his body, passed out cold, you dully said, "That was quite boring."

Trying to hide the awe on his face, Mello said, "Well, there you have it. Now, Bob and Jason, let's see what you guys have."

You watched as they both got into a fighting stance. Though they fought in different styles, there was one thing they had in common - poor technique. Mello seemed to take note of this as well, not missing a single punch thrown.

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