Chapter 3

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Taking a sharp bite out of his chocolate, he explained, "Since Near is my rival, I have to make sure I'm above him. And to do that, I need as much information about his movements regarding Kira as possible."

    "So, what do I have to do?" you replied, quite confused in where you stood concerning his feud with Near.

    "Go to the SPK's base. See what you can find," he responded, still chewing on the bar of chocolate, without having yet swallowed once. As you gulped, attempting to plan how you would complete his order, he blankly locked eyes with you. Mello's rivalry with Near must have been a touchy subject, considering it grew from a dark time in the past, one he didn't mention much even to this day.

    The SPK, huh? Looking back to what Matt had explained earlier, you remembered that it stood for the Special Provision for Kira. It included the highest-ranking members of both the CIA and FBI, with Near as its leader. Although this was far from your most exigent tasks, it would still be quite challenging, especially seeing as you were only one person.

    "Alright. I'll do what I can," you nodded, turning to leave while trying your best not to appear distraught from his seemingly vague request.

    Without any words exchanged between the both of you while leaving, you zipped up your leather jacket, holding your handgun tight to make sure it was still in your grasp. Taking a glance at the time, it was already quite late, the sun beginning to set out in the warm California sky. Although many people preferred to move around in the broad daylight, you preferred the night, because of the quiet atmosphere with only the moonlight to comfort you. Not only that, but it was easier to navigate around nighttime and complete suspicious activities.

    Mello made an intelligent choice, deciding to check on Near's progress. But - there was one thing that he had failed to consider. If the SPK was already headed to Tokyo, they would be at an advantage. You couldn't help but wonder what his plan was, or what move he would make next, if any

    Regretting your uncertainty, you sighed, entering the driver's seat of an unmarked vehicle. Mello was the real deal. He was a successor of L, a man celebrated for his intelligence and many achievements, saving humankind from numerous threats behind the scenes. If anyone could catch Kira, it would be him. But his intentions were off-putting. Did he really want to serve justice, or was he just doing this to make up for his severe inferiority complex? Whatever the case, the idea only made you more interested in the man.

    As you drove to the building, it was strange to see most of the lights off. Shrugging it off, you entered the police headquarters, raising the gun in your hands.

    You quickly put it back down, noticing that it was completely empty. All that was left were two small hand puppets, but you were unable to identify them. It was clear that Near, along with the SPK, was there. They had also left back a few folders. Before you did anything, you swiftly shot down the security cameras, hitting down each one with ease.

    Now that you were free to move around, you grabbed the folders, looking for any valuable information. The pure adrenaline that came from this task brought you back to a time when situations like this occurred regularly. The rush was amazing.

    The few folders left contained little information, with the details that remained mostly being blurred out for security. Some of the notes regarding the Kira case were enclosed, and you were immediately able to recognize the writer as L. The information was compiled neatly, along with papers for each task force member. You were careful to hold them with the tips of your gloves, as to not get any DNA on it. Secretly, you wanted to read them all and digest these new leads. But, for now it was time to leave.     

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