Chapter 6

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After he left, you soon fell asleep, anxious of the day coming ahead. You were to accompany Rushual and Bob to Tokyo, on a private jet, and retrieve the daughter of Deputy Director Soichiro Yagami, Sayu. Although kidnapping wasn't remotely a humane action, you still hoped you would be able to capture her safely, and switch her for the death note, without any casualties.

Snapping out of your thoughts, you got out of bed, pulling on a fresh robe to keep you warm. As your feet hit the cold floor, you let out a soft yawn while heading to your bathroom. Splashing water onto your face, you inspected yourself in the mirror. Damn, I look good, especially since it's morning time. Noticing something on your neck, you came closer to analyze the spot. It was a bruise-like mark, that you wondered how you got, until it finally dawned on you. "Crap," you muttered. How am I gonna hide this?

In an attempt to conceal the mark, you zipped up your leather jacket as high as it would go, and moved your hair to the front. This totally doesn't look suspicious at all, you assured yourself. Since you didn't know much about how to use makeup, you finally decided to talk to Fiona. Although this would be an embarrassing question to ask, she would probably understand.

Because her room was in the lower level, you walked in an awkward fashion, garnering weird stares from those you passed by as you attempted to keep your clothing and hair in the exact position that would hide the hickey.

Finally reaching her room, you promptly knocked on the door, hoping it was just her in there.

"Who is it?" she asked, sweetly.

"It's me, Y/N."

"Coming!" she opened the door as you rushed in to show her the hickey.

"How do I hide this? Help me!" you exclaimed, in desperation.

"Okay, okay! Uh, come this way!" she laughed, while pointing you towards the bathroom. Inside, there were many makeup products arranged neatly on the counter, along with a refreshing scent. So she really is perfect, huh?

"Here," she brought you in front of the mirror, moving your hair to reveal the hickey. "I'm just going to apply some concealer and powder, so keep still." As she dabbed it on your neck, the powder flew up your nose, causing you to sneeze.

Relieved she didn't ask any questions or poke fun at you, you let her do the work until she said, "All done."

Looking at yourself in the mirror in front of you, it seemed like there was nothing there in the first place. "Wow, Fiona, you're a lifesaver. is there anything you can't do?"

She chuckled, "Thanks, Y/N. You should go, don't you have that big mission?"

Taking a quick glance at your watch, you shrieked as you noticed the time. "Oh, right!" You adjusted your jacket, running out the door. "Bye, Fiona!"

You hurried to the main area, where Bob and Rushual were ready, seemingly anticipating your arrival.

"Sorry I'm late." you said.

"No worries," Rushual said as he and Bob rose up. "Let's get going, then." The three of you walked towards the exit, where your transportation was already waiting for you.

Before you could walk to the jet, you heard a voice call out, "Y/N!"

You turned to see none other than Mello. "What is it?"

He ran up to you and held your hands tightly. "I'm saying this if you're having doubts. You don't have to do this, I know you're against it."

"And that's exactly why I'm doing this," you said, reassuringly. "You don't have to worry about me, Mello."

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