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the young woman awoke from her sleep

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the young woman awoke from her sleep. not caring that her bladder was on the verge of exploding, she frowned at the quietness filling her home. y/n shifted her head over to her f/c clock displaying the time which was one minute to seven.

she sighed and glanced up at the ceiling, and counted down with her fingers. "3..2..1-."

"waaah!" goes the baby next door starting the beginning of her busy day. could have let her finish. the mother jumped out of bed and grabbed the nearest hoodie hanging from the end of the bed and walked over to her baby girl's room.

her baby's name was akane. the h/c haired child was the result of a shitty relationship that ended sourly by one y/n's best friend kira almost getting her ass arrested after smashing y/n's ex's car windows.

regardless of many hardships relating to her pregnancy and a toxic relationship that affected her life, she held no malice against akane and saw her as a gift.

"mommy/mummy." cooed the baby as she did tiny jumps in her crib, holding onto the white bar supporting her.

y/n smiled back and held her baby in her arms. she tickled her chubby chin, then her soft cheeks as they made their way to the kitchen.

the sun shines on the giggling baby now in her feeding chair, chewing on a rubber pink spoon her mother gave to soothe her boredom. y/n soon joined the laughter, seeing akane laugh louder than usual. even hiccuping a couple of times

"akane, babe what are you laughing at-?"

"surprise shawty!" sings an annoying group of sorcerers: itadori, fushiguro (even though he wasn't annoying at all) was sitting on the couch, kugisaki was now playing with akane. finally the worst of them all, the leader, gojo satoru.

despite being human, y/n known about curses since she was a teenager when she witness them doing what they usually do. killing. she never attended jujustu tech but she had been there a couple times, for the occasions such as the exchange event.

and speaking of gojo, worst in the context that he was just so damn annoying. for no reason. y/n didn't despise him fully, since he saved her from those same curses. that's how they first met.

"i just woke up." y/n emphasised whilst pointing itadori to the direction of the cereal, he was trying not to (but clearly was) looking for. "and the last i want to you referencing 10 month old tiktoks, even worse you made yuji do it too."

"yeah, but it's funny though! plus you had the same reaction as that little girl too." gojo affirmed, leaning against the f/c kitchen counter, a few centimetres away from y/n making akane her daily milk and breakfast.

"but i know that's not the reason why you're here." y/n pointed out.

"it's like you know me." he said dreamingly

y/n replied passive aggressively "sometimes i wish i don't."

"your baby is really cute, y/n!" says nobara, with her finger in akane's little hand. the mother thanked the young girl before giving the baby her breakfast.

the baby blew raspberries thankfully on her cotton pink bib, y/n dabbed against her dirty mouth. y/n directed her attention to satoru as his three students says their goodbyes and journeyed off to their next mission.

"so why are you really here, satoru?" she questions with growing suspicion.

gojo explains with his nonchalant attitude. "to put a long boring story short, i pissed off one of the principal and he kicked me out of the school, and i kinda need a place to stay-."

"no,no, no, jack frost. you're not staying at my home." y/n quickly shut down his request, causing the white haired man to pout like the gurgling baby enjoying licking away at her spoon.

she declared, making herself a quick drink of coffee. "the second last thing i want is a child like yourself. i've already got one, and applaud me for not mentioning your flirty ass stinking up my house."

rather rude of y/n just to decline a sad man's request like that. but she had her reasons. like the time he stayed over one night not realising that he attached one of his enemies over and almost got the outside house destroyed.

or the time, when yuji first came, they were playing with firecrackers (y/n already banned from her home when they asked to buy it at a shifty prank store) and magically aimed it towards the next door neighbour's son's goldfish tank and killed the little thing. then he had the audacity to blame it on poor itadori.

"oh! maybe it was the time at my birthday, you smashed the lit cake into my face before i even blew it out, and one of the candle flew off and burnt my great uncle's hair!" y/n pointed out of the many troublesome tales of satoru gojo.

he backed himself up. "in my defence, he was wearing a toupee. plus i didn't see him with it on ever since. i'm a source and booster of confidence."

"he died three days after."

gojo paused awkwardly. "maybe i boosted it a biiit too much?"

"satoru, look." y/n, now sitting at her dinner table, faced her whole body at the sorcerer next across from her. "i just don't have space for anyone staying at my house right, i literally work 24/7 on akane, as well as a job to do-."

"i'll cook and clean while your gone, y/n." he says. "did you really think i'd just crash at your home and not do something for you? i'll do anything for you and akane, and my butt will be out of your hair."

the baby hummed to herself after receiving the last spoonful of her food, y/n took her time to think through gojo's offer. course after all of that mess she never really held any hatred towards him.

at last, she sucked in the courage (which she'll soon regret) and announced the words that will probably make everyone else but her happy: "you can stay."

"yeah!" cheers a little akane with her arms stretched out with her fists closed and shocking the adults in the room, especially her mother.

"akane, you learned a new word!" y/n clapped for joy, kissing her daughter's forehead a thousands times. gojo came from behind her and lifted akane from under her arms.

"which means, infinity spins for victory!"

"wait don't-." y/n quickly cut herself off, and watched with a sneaky devil like grin at satoru hugging and spinning akane around the living room. the child only finished her food less two minutes ago, and with motherly expert on akane.

it was only a matter of time until.

it was only a matter of time until

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