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the little trio of a sleepy akane, a giddy gojo and a tired y/n returned home

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the little trio of a sleepy akane, a giddy gojo and a tired y/n returned home. satoru did the honours of cooking a late night dinner and y/n carried her baby went upstairs back into her crib. after receiving her last bottle for the day, the baby yawned as her mother took her out of her princess dress and into a pastel pink pyjamas, and took out the green bows in her buns.

akane was quite the disciplined baby, she rarely was a nuisance to take care. of course, she had her cheeky moment, she was a baby after all. even when akane was with satoru-someone who has probably never took care of a baby- she was on her best behaviour. almost on her best behaviour, that spoon flick was a little funny to forget.

"goodnight baby." y/n signed off after singing a little lullaby for her baby who cooed and yawned before slowly falling asleep. the mother smiled and kissed the soft forehead of akane's. sometimes she wondered why she was blessed with such a beautiful child.

"she's got your nose." satoru appeared next to y/n who was startled by him being there unannounced. he leaned against the crib and smiled down at the sleeping baby. "and your smile too."

"why would you say that? i hate my nose." she chuckled secretly trying to hid her nose.

"i don't."
"course you don't."

satoru said nonchalantly, "and of course you know, 'cause from my pov, y/n. you are very beautiful." he ended before walking out the room, leaving a speechless y/n behind.

she was speechless for a few reasons, one because it was pretty random but appreciated. two, the mom never had that big of a self esteem, that's one of reasons why she's snarky and has barely any close friends because she likes to be alone a times.

y/n always wondered, if she didn't meet satoru at that alleyway years ago and met at normal setting would she be friends with him?

she scoffed back into reality and chased after satoru who was in the finishing off his noodle based dinner.

y/n inquired at the other end of the counter. "was that gojo the 'strongest sorcerer in the world.' speaking, or was that satoru speaking?"

there was a difference between the two (even though they are the same person). gojo was more cocky and very powerful which y/n didn't like that much but tolerated. as for satoru, basically when he was alone with her, was more chilled back, funny to make fun from time to time, and (dare i say) nice to be around.

satoru, whose back was facing her, chuckled softly to himself before placing the food into two bowls with their chopsticks. he turned around and joined y/n from his side of the counter in between them.

he simply responded after handing her dinner, "whatever one you prefer."

y/n's face showed the complicated mental gymnastics going on in her head. "well- neith-..." she paused and took a quick breather. "i don't know."

"then don't work yourself up about it." satoru calmly suggested from the sofa, he signalled at her with head. "come netflix and with no chill with me. unless you to want have-."

"i don't!" she shut down his joke quickly. there was a possibility that he couldn't be joking, satoru did make a stupid daddy earlier today. but he's never made a physical approach that implied that he wanted to, satoru wasn't hiding it.

y/n joined the man on her soft sofa. from an angle you could say they were cuddling, but they weren't, in a way. she just had her head on his chest cuddling-like. it's not like he had his arm wrapped around her waist (which he did). okay, maybe it was a little cuddling-like. 

the pair watched quite a lot of movies actually, satoru said that yuji was the best at picking good movies. y/n didn't know if that was favouritism or that was one of his many teaching lesson.

"you know, i didn't expect yuji to be the type of kid who likes sad movies." y/n moped through her yawns as the credits of Inside Out appeared on the screen.

satoru replied. "me either, although i'm wondering why the dad lowkey looks like nanami..." he trailed the end of his words when he noticed y/n fast asleep on him.

"well, isn't that cute." rhetorical words because yes, it was indeed very cute. who knew a little tsundere had the cutest face when she sleeps.

satoru wasn't one for regretting things, one of  time  was meeting y/n. he remembered seeing her petrified expression when the curse was about to kill her and like a knight in shining armour, he rescue her.

he had y/n in his arms and jumped onto a roof to safety. he remembered her clinging onto his jacket just like now, until she got back on her feet and stepped away from him.

"what the hell was that thing!" she frighteningly cussed out. "and who are you?"

"satoru gojo." he introduced himself. in retrospect, satoru was actually surprised that she didn't want his phone number or wondered how old he was so that they could date. he was around nineteen at the time and she had just turned eighteen. "and that was a cursed spirit. there are everywhere!"


y/n leaned down at the same edge satoru was leaning on at the sight of cursed spirit rotting away.

she asked not taking her eyes off the monster. "where do they come from?"

"from everyone. everyone's fears, fantasies sometimes and much more." the male confessed as he joined her gaze at the rotting creature stores below. satoru looked back at her.

"what's your biggest fear, y/n?"

"what's your biggest fear, y/n?"

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