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⚠️ slight nsfw

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⚠️ slight nsfw.
i'm teasing you, i know.
it'll happen next chapter.

she wasn't kidding.

y/n spent her last remaining weeks working... working... working constantly. the only times you'll see the mother if she was catering to her baby, maybe having dinner and sleeping in her office, with drool running down her chin with her h/t hair either tied up in her usual style or all over the place. satoru got lucky and took a picture of that moment, for blackmail reasons only, not because he found it cute. maybe a little.

speaking of the sorcerer, y/n forcefully blocked him out of her studying place for those two weeks. satoru was being quite the distraction with his flirty and annoying comments. which didn't stop, because near the last day, a tired y/n a little note with a poop drawing saying: 'my love for you is like diarrhoea, i just can't hold it in.'

cute but gross. then, again what do you expect from satoru gojo?

regardless, after a lot of hardworking and patience, y/n was able to finish her dress, it was much more provocative than she expected it to be. she wasn't too sure if it was the alcohol, or 'feeling myself' was playing right now but...

y/n was feeling herself in this out.

the black silky dress complimented her skin tone and everything straight or curved line that shaped y/n's unique figure, some of the black silk was translucent (semi-see-through) giving anyone who looks at her direction a tease to the secret under her clothes.

at this point, she should walk on the catwalk. (un)fortunately, she wouldn't be allowed, however, seeing her art on a high-profile catwalk was remarkable, to say the least.

her trance was broken by the sounds of a certain baby's singing followed by some footsteps and the door opening.

"hey, y/n how do you-"

satoru's breath escaped his lips at the sight of thee sexiest woman in the world. let's ignore the fact that her face had the expression of 'imma whoop your ass' and focused on the way she looked.

her body was motivational, inspirational, sensational, confrontational, conversational, educational, operational, situational, recreational, communicational, and condensational, in that dress.

the mother declared strictly, pointing her finger at her boyfriend, "you have 15 seconds to save your life with your words. go."

"i need you to show how to set up a bath for akane," satoru said at a rapid pace as akane crawled towards her mother, she picked her baby and walked over to her boyfriend.

"distract her with toys while i get dressed," y/n suggested.

"tried that. she threw a teddy at my face," satoru sighed, taking the baby that was distracted already by her fingers opening and closing, back into his arms.

"taught her well," y/n joked kissing the top of akane's head.  "kidding! you can go to her bedroom and pick out one of her bodysuits and i'll meet you there asap."

* * *

asap must mean something else in y/n's world because she surely was taking her sweet sweet time downstairs, while satoru had to listen to the toddler's babbles about a single pair of socks in her hand.

he couldn't handle another second.

don't get him wrong, satoru loved akane but how does y/n tolerate someone who's talking a lot of rubbish/trash upon rubbish/trash. now that he thinks about it, that explains why she still likes him.

despite being a baby, akane could tell that satoru was on the edge of insanity, so the baby took the responsibility of entertaining her dad. she crawled over to a pile of old coloured books, she grabbed the first book on top, which was about shapes, and took with her on her journey back for satoru.

"lookie!" akane slammed the book on the ground, catching the man's attention.  satoru looked down and assumed that she wanted to read the book to her.

"okay let's see..." satoru laid on his stomach and opened the books about shapes, the first one was easy. "okay, say.. cir-cle."

akane hummed briefly, she looked down at the word and focused immensely, after extreme study of this peculiar shape, the baby came to a conclusion.

"gur-gle." the sound of the word made the baby giggle quietly making satoru laugh as well.

"you almost got it." satoru chuckled rubbing the baby's back, "say... cir.. cle!"

"gur-cool-!" the baby giggled, hiccuped and squealed even louder at the word as if it tickled her funny bone. the sorcerer couldn't help the laugh with the baby, who couldn't focus on sitting and had satoru to support her.

it was so funny, y/n had joined into the laughter now wearing her casual sleep wear. the mother stood at the doorway, looking down the giggling pair on the floor. even though it was nighttime and y/n didn't want akane to be hyper before bedtime, she seemed not to care at all, she loved her baby happy.

"mummy/mommy!" the baby gasps and ran to the door, to be held in her mother's arms. y/n showered her child with kisses and cuddles as satoru made his way to the door.

"apparently the word circle makes her laugh," the man chuckled with the mother, "anyways, did you set up the bath?"

"mhm!" y/n nodded, "i'll get akane washed and in bed. can you make a snack for me to eat, please, haven't eaten all day?" she stated with a wink.

"yeah of course, babe," satoru leaned in a kissed y/n's lips then akane on the forehead. "night night, akane."

akane yawned, rubbing her eyes, "night, night, daddy."

y/n felt her heart burst at absolute cuteness of akane. she can't even imagine what satoru was going through, she bet he taught her to call him that, if that's the case, y/n wasn't mad about it whatsoever.

* * *

after a fun-filled bath time, it was time for akane in head to bed. the baby already was asleep before reaching her bed, y/n kissed child good night, tiptoed out of the room and closed the door as quietly as she could. the woman walked down to her dimly lit bedroom and shut the door.

her breath left her mouth at the feeling her hands wrapping around her waist. cold-tipped fingers touched around her chest as warm soft lips claimed territory of her neck, caused y/n moan breathlessly at the indescribable sensation happening on her body.

"so, this is what you meant by a snack for you to eat."


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