Chapter 1 - A quirkless omega's life

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Hi! My name is Izuku Midoriya,
I was born on July 15th XXXX in Japan. My favourite colour is red and my favourite food is Katsudon.

I live in a society that depends on hierarchy with the alpha's at the top with their natural personality of being dominant and powerful. And then we have the betas the second dominant however it depends on the actually betas personality on how their personality is and how they act. Lastly, we have omega who have the natural personality of being submissive and weak. They are the only ones who can get pregnant besides Beta females and Alpha females. Omegas are known in this society as being only their to breed and take care of children.

Another fun fact about this society is that it is a supernatural society where people are born with an supernatural ability or variable. However, there are some unfortunate people out there who don't have a supernatural ability or variable that we call a quirk. But as the days which turn into mouths which turn into years the percentage of that people decrease as people with quirks mate with another person with a quirk which create an off spring of someone with a quirk. I mean there are some generations of families that skip that year with people born with out a quirk but as a said that is decreasing rapidly as the years go past. As this happens also people who are the new generation are getting more powerful quirks.

As a said before my name in Izuku Midoriya and am one of the few people that don't have a quirk. Because of this I got bullied when everyone got their quirk and I didn't and evern more so when I made a trip to the doctors and specialists in quirk and told me I don't have a quirk which led me out of the room in tears. However, the bullying got worse when our test to find out what second gender we have came. It turned out that I am an Omega the weakest out of all the second genders. It was bad enough when everyone found out I was quirkless and now I am an Omega. The bullying got worse. Evern more so when my childhood friend/bully named Katsuki Bakugou but I call him Kacchan was an alpha especially one who has very dominant sent which makes me shake in fear.

My dreams also came to a close about me becoming a hero just like my favourite hero: All Might. I love All Might and others would say am a obsessed fanboy but I don't care he was my inspiration and my father figure as a didn't have one growing up.

I had my mom who I love every much she just to say if you believe in something you can achieve it. And if everything pich black that just means that their is a light waiting for you. Chessey, I know but it makes me think that their is something. Is there something?

I question, as a take a deep breath and remove the ink from the paper. I was writing my new diary my mom gave my and told my it would help writing all my problems away. Like letting go of a heavily weight on your back. Honestly I don't know if it does or not I just started but I think I will do it more often.

I close the bock and lock the lock in front of the dairy as eny dairy has. I put it under my bed and switch the light off as a rap the covers over my body. The sandman comes and I let sleep take over my body and mind. I dream about - my so want to be - furture as I am a hero known to make people feel safe and always put a smile on peoples faces. Oh how I wish that furture could come a reality but that was a perfetic dream that someone who was blind could see.


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