Chapter 10 - forgiveness

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Todo's Pov

Today i started to write in my diary, it was ripped and burned with lose ripped paper coming out of it, it was old so understandable but the complete reason behind this was that my "father" said I should be training and not messing around drawing. You see as many people do things that express them selves and realise their stress I do the same. Some it may be acting, some it may be dancing, some it may be sing even if it's just in the shower, some may be writing (me). However, mine is drawing and I know what your thinking; that's not how Shoto Todoroki acts at all. Well that i would kindly say that's okay this is the author's fanfic not yours. (Can I get F in the chat for the 4th wall. Sorry won't do this again.)

Anyway back to the story, after my date with Izuku, yes Izuku, evern though I don't call him that out aloud yet, I do call him that in my head. I was the happiest I have ever been, I never thought in my life that the adorable bunny would ever be mine no matter how much I carved it. However, it was true he is mine and am his. At this point reality hit me and hit me violently. With that I opened my door to my house as it stood tall in the sunset, I dreaded to be back here but all the class was forced to go to our childhood homes as to visited our families. I honestly don't see the point of this, not one bit but it would be nice to see Fuyumi and Natsuo again. As a waited for that annoying, loud ring in my ear which most would call my father just yelling, I clashed my eyes shut, however nothing came to pass, nothing came to ruin my perfect day, nothing came to piss me off. Nothing. But silence.

I wondered down the halls, up the long and ground staircase, to my beloved bedroom. I sighed in relief as no-one saw me. I causally got changed into some more comfortable clothes as all I wanted was to impact the clean black sheets and fall into the abyss of my many dreams and comprehend, how such a angelic pure, adorable soul to fall in love with a messed-up, not so pure soul. And I know that you people thought a would say ugly and words along the line. But no, I know I am hot.

Once my head hit the cosy blanket, my eyes felt heavy as my  vision turned black. *Buzz* Until my phone - so rudely interrupted- it was a fluid with messages telling me to watch a video and I think panicking as there texts were in all caps. Really they interrupted my beauty sleep for a video.

After, I while a got curious about this so called video. And like they say curiosity killed the cat, well in this cause it actually did (not literally - no cats or animals were harmed in the making of this story) When my finger hovered over the link, my heart dropped. Why I am nervous, there's nothing to be nervous about. I was clearly and utterly wrong.

Once I started the video my eyes widened, my heart shattered, my body froze, my head spinning, tears pressurising to fall. Why?? Why Izuku??? WHY????WHY??WHY???

Why did you do this to me?? I whispered as once again someone special in my life disappeared and once again I was left alone.

-Time skip to Monday morning-

I don't want to go to school. I don't want to see him. I don't.......

My sister swung the door open, to say good morning, once she saw me in bed, crying with the same clothes on as yesterday and messy hair. She rushed straight towards me. "What's wrong?" She said in almost in a whispering manner to try and claim me down. I don't want to tell her, I can't tell her. Just as my soul couldn't proses that I was with this amazing human being- no angel. My soul couldn't proses what he said and did in that stupid video.

After that I presume Fuyumi told the school I was sick. Which somewhat wasn't so wrong. I honestly don't think I can do anything, anymore. Just indore the sharp pain of a broken heart, deep in my chest.

-Time Skip again-

Deku Pov

I need to talk to Sho. I need to see him, I need to tell him the truth. I need to tell him I love him.

As soon as the bell rings I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I didn't care about anything in that moment but Sho. When I got to Sho's house my breathes sounded like I was having an panic attack. But as I said before all I could think about was Sho.

After, what felt like forever the grand door opened and I was face to face with who I presume is Shoto's sister. "Hello." She spoke in a serious yet worried voice. And I most definitely know why it was in her voice. I didn't rely, all I did was run, I don't know where his room is or evern if he is there. I never been to his house but my legs still ran like a knew where he was. Now I was faced with a door, a modern black door. I smelled Sho's sent which made me extremely overjoyed. However, the smell was unusually broken and melancholy.

I painfully opened the door in a slow pace, only to find a broken hearted Todoroki. This led to tears in my eyes as I couldn't take the sight and this lost perfume. I couldn't take it anymore so I just lighting speeded to him and gave the most loving and warm hug i ever gave to him. As he felt pressure on his chest he opened his eyes. And by the look in them he was overjoyed, shocked and broken all in one.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry. I don't know how you will forgive me or evern believe me and honesty that's okay. I came here to tell you that the person in the video wasn't me it was an impostor. And I also wanted to say I am sorry and I love you." A tear chuckled down my fragile, pink check as a paused for a second to let him speak but he never did. "I love you and I understand if you don't anymore, I understand if you want me to leave and leave our bonding agreement and I understand if you want me to take this beautiful promise collar off." I started to ramble...but.....

Lips melted into mine as I realised he was kissing me, after a while we separated. "I forgive you and I love you too, I always have and I always will." We kissed again but this time it was me who started it.

I wish this would last forever but all magical things have to end. As we find out who was behind and in that hateful video.


Thank u for reading!!!

And omg thank you for 3.5K views. I made this extra long chapter for the celebration xxxx

I love you all!!!!! 💗💝💖💓💞💕💟❣❤🧡💛💚💙💜

Have a good day/night

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