Chapter 3 - It's been a year

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Dear Diary,

It's been a year since I have written in this book. I don't really know the reason behead it. I just been busy I guess. I mean alot has changed since then. I have graduated middle school. I have become a student at UA.

Now if this book was alive it would be asking how? Well I suppose you could call it a miracle and it was totally miraculous. It was few days before the end of school and the end of middle school for me. I encountered a slime villain. The villain took over my body in a second, I couldn't fight back as I am sure my physical activity levels were to weak. While I was in his grasp, I could hardly breath as I felt like a was on the brink of death itself. When I felt like giving up (not like a felt that before) I hear a lound and clear voice say " I Am Here!

I quickly regain my thoughts and recognise the person who just smashed the slime villain, inpoisoning the villain and relieving me from that horrible feeling before. Right in front of me stood Allmight the #1 hero and symbol of peace. I was flabbergasted. I mean right in front of me stood Allmight the #1 hero and symbol of peace. Are you alright kid? He asked I was so shock I can't form words. I barely got me words out or evern I shouted and it was really quick and lots of stutter in one sentence. I asked if he could autograph my notebook as that was the only thing a had on me. He said he already signed the back. I flipped the book to the back and my eyes widened I was literally on the verge of tears. I guess it was because my idol signed my notebook and he saved me. Allmight was about to leave but I had to ask him this question, I had to.

"M- Allmight is it possible for a quirkless, omega to become a hero." I was so desperate to get the answer I always wanted. Right there I was blind with false hope and belief. That I can’t think that there was a possibility that he would say what everyone else said to me, my whole life." No." My whole world shattered into a million pieces. Why? Why was I born a omega and quirkless? Tears formed but I tried to hold it back. I smiled brightly instead and spock. " The way you save people with that fearless smile! I want to become a hero that always has a fearless smile and show people that a omega can be a hero! I want to be like y-".

Before I could finish my sentence Allmight had changed from the #1 hero to looking all shriveled up and thin. At first I had through the he was a fake, an impostor. But he told me it was him and described to me that it was like how people hold their gut at the pool. He told me to keep it a secret though. Then I did know why but later I found out. "And fearless smile HUH....". As he finished speaking he leafed his shirt and showed my his wound that looked really bad and gory. Allmight spoke again." Five years ago... an enemy did this to me. My respiratory system was nearly destroyed, and my stomach was removed. I've wasted away because of the after-effects of those surgeries. I can only do my hero work for about three hours a day now."

After that he told me that a pro-hero should always be ready to risk their life. And told me "It's not wrong to dream. However, you need to be realistic kid." That last sentence hit me. Just like everyone said 'realistic'. What dose that evern mean?

After that conversation with Allmight I was so hopeless on my world. I mean I already knew what was going to happen any- ways. While walking back home their was a villian attack by that same slime villain. Allmight dropped the water bottle he was captured in. And it's new victim was Kacchan. No Pro-hero was doing enythink though and before I knew what I was doing a rushed towards Kacchan and scratching the slime off of Kacchan. Obviously it didn't work but Allmight came again and saved Kacchan.

Kacchan was really mad at me when I tried to save him. Like he was going to save himself. People and heros came to me and were really mad too. Kacchan on the other hand got all the praise.

When it was all over with a walked home and incounted Allmight this time he told me the thing I wanted to hear all this time. " You can become a hero." I was frilled and he told me is quirk was also given to him and he was once quirkless. He told he would give me his quirk. I was crying at this point, all these feelings, all these emotions and all the hope overwhelmed me. From there on out I trained nonstop with Allmight for ten mouths. While trying to pass my exams and get to the most educated and most famous school for heros: UA. When the practical exams came I was so worried. However, I got in and tomorrow is my first day. I am a little bit worried because am a omega and properly most will be alphas. We will see!


So this story is longer with a word count of 925 words.

Anyways thank you for reading!

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