Chapter Eight: Riff Off

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Anything you recognize in this chapter came from Pitch Perfect aka THE BEST MOVIE EVER :)


The girls had gotten Belle dried off and changed and had headed down to the old pool they didn't use anymore for swimming. As they got there they noticed that a lot of the school was already there and some unwelcome faces.

"Who invited the skanks Sean?" Belle asked walking right up to him.

"That's not very nice Isabelle!" Louis said feigning shock.

"Don't call me Isabelle, and it's true." She said still glaring at Sean.

"Honestly I don't know Belle they just showed up." He said with a shrug.

"I thought they were quite nice." Harry said confused.

"Of course you would Styles." Gabriella said with a glare.

Next thing they knew Carson walked in with a round of applause. He had decided to be the one to run any riff-offs that could occur instead of participating in them. Carson took out a little twister spinner with different categories labeled on it and spun it.

"Well it looks like your first catagory is Ladies of the 80s! AND LET THE RIFF OFF BEGIN."

"Watch and learn, join in when you can" Sean said before running to the middle with a few guys just barely beating Belle and the others.

"Oh Mickey, you’re so fine

You’re so fine you blow my mind

Hey Mickey, Hey Mickey

Mickey, you’re so fine" They sang stomping and harmonizing to the song while Belle glared.

"You’re so fine and you’re mine

I’ll be yours till the end of time" The annoying 'skanks' cut in, they were just girls that auditioned to get into Hallbarro and didn't make it but still insisted upon going to all the school functions.

"Cause you make me feel

You make me feel

So shiny and new" They harmonzied walking up to boys and putting their hands all over them which no one really enjoyed except for Harry.

"Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time


"Like the one in me

That’s O.K." Cassidy sang going up to the girls followed by the rest of her friends and they joined in.

"Let’s see how you do it

Put up your dukes

Let’s get down to it

Hit me with your best shot

Why don’t you hit me with your best shot

Hit me with your best shot

Fire away!" They finished.

"Okay that was great! But not great enough from some people. So It's down to our RESIDENT students." Carson spun and the pointer landed on a new category "Songs about sex it is! RIFF OFF!"

Before anyone could say anything Aubrey ran up to the center and started them off.

"Na na na

Come on

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