Chapter Ten: Do you think she's on drugs?

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Cassidy stood in line at the small smoothie place on campus waiting to order the five specific smoothies the girls wanted. She had volunteered for the job so she could clear her head. It had been a week since the riff off and in 3 hours they would have their first performance with (against as Belle liked to say) One Direction. Cassidy only had one class with Niall and he mostly stayed towards the back and ate food since the class was cutting into normal lunch time. For some reason she felt like she was being cut out of something. Belle had Louis to argue with, Aubrey got to kiss Zayn, Gabby had so much chemistry with Harry and Charlotte was actually civil with Niall. Charlotte didn't dare tell anyone about the "not date" she almost missed with Niall. Key word 'almost', Cassidy could tell something was wrong with her so she made her spill and helped Charlotte sneak out of the dorm and surprise him with a much later than planned movie night.

Cassidy stood there lost in her own thoughts oblivious to the fact that the line had moved and she was next to order. The younger boy working the register coughed loudly to signal her it was her time.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I'd like one Bananarama, two Orangetaculars but can I get one with out the extra orange zest?, also I'd like one Kaletastic, and lastly a Strawberry-Bananataz without any strawberries." She asked reading from the list Aubrey wrote out for her. The boy just looked annoyed and turned around to work on her order.

A voice from behind her asked "Wouldn't it just work better to get another Bananarama then a Strawberry-Banataz with out strawberries?" 

Cassidy turned around only to be greeted with the sight of Liam Payne. 

"Gabriella is very specific about her smoothie orders." She said pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Since when was she nervous around boys, she was the confident cool headed one of the girls.

"Ahhh I see, and the Kaletastic?" Liam asked with an amused smile before realizing it was a stupid question to ask.

"Belle." They said a the both time before laughing. They went on talking like old friends until the smoothie boy coughed again.

"You're smoothies are ready now, you can grab them when you're done flirting.


"What took you so long Cass!" Aubrey yelled as she closed the door to Belle's dorm room.

"They were training a new employee at the smoothie stand so it took a while." She answered choosing to lie instead of telling them she was with Liam. He wished her and the other girls good luck. What was that supposed to mean?

"Okay we all need to just calm down it's going to be okay." Charlotte said in concern for all the girls sanity.

"Can we talk about the fact that Belle is the most calm out of all of us." Gabby said pointing over to Belle who was sitting in front of the mirror curling her hair with her eyes closed. "I mean how is she not burning herself?"

"Do you think she's on drugs?" Cassidy whispered to Aubrey who just shrugged in turn.

"I'm just telling you guys it's all about the vitamin supplements" She said in a surprisingly calm voice "Plus I'm saving all my energy for the stage, the boys could insult me all they want and I'll stay in this meditative state until those bright lights shine down on us." 

Gabby mouthed "She's tripping big time" to the other girls who just nodded.

"I guess we should finish getting ready."


YAY! Next chapter there will be plenty of interaction between the boys and our lovely girls :) xxx Belle

 P.S. Thanks to everyone who has read and voted it makes me over the moon happy!!!!

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