mah life y'all

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Me: do you guys ever get bored of being in this room all the time?

Dex: kinda, yeah

Me: well, you get to live a day in ze life

Sophie: why did you do a French thing?

Me: cause I wanna. Niw let me teleport us to my house because it's almost morning. Also u guys will be invisible.

(Time passes)

Mom: hey Wolfie, time to get up

Me: *in bed* okie mom but just one min plz

Mom: no ur gonna be late for school

Me:*rolls eyes* it's the weekend m o m

Mom: oh. Well then u can sleep i'lol be under the bed

Keefe: your mom is better then my mom

Me: Keefe, I think any mom is better then your mom

Mom: *from under the bed* what?

Me: *faceplams a thousand times* I forgot she can't hear u guys buy she can hear me

Mom: ... *starts cuddling with my dog*


Sophie: he's super cute!

Me: thanks, also I made a spell so that my mom won't hear me if I'm talking to u

Fitz: how is that even possible 

Me: *grins* cause im a witch

(Time skip where I am dressed and ate breakfast)

Biana: I like your house! It's cozy!

Linh: I LOVE YOUR DOG *plays with my dog*

Tam: meh.

Me: awww, Tam insulted my house! I'm so happy

Dex: your a very odd person

Me: whatever Dexypoo. Let's go to the park!

(At the park)

Tam: *screaming his head off while Linh spins him on the spinny green thing that goes super fast*

Linh: *spinning Tam*

Dex: *laughing crazily on the swing*

Biana: *chasing Fitz around the park*

Keefe: *playing hide and seek tag with Sophie*

Fitz: *being chased*

Sophie: *hiding*

Me: ima say this went well. 

Mom: look, your friend Bat is here remember her?


(Another time skip cause I'm lazy. Now we are at my fav cookie shop)

Sophie: I missed cookie's sooooooo much

Everyone including me: *fangirls over scent*

Keefe: I wanna cookie!

Me: ok. Mom, can I have a few cookies?

Mom: sure

Me: okie, I want-

Mom: oh wait, I don't have my credit card and they only take credit card

Everyone: nooooooooooooooo

Mom: but I promise we can come back tomorrow

Me: yay!

Linh: we won't be here tomorrow!

Me: too bad. Hey, can we get Ralph's instead?

Mom: no, it's to cold for Ralph's

Biana: what's Ralph's?

Me: the best gelato place ever *sighs*

Everyone: whyyyyyy

Me: don't worry guys, I'll figure something out. Mom, can we go to the new dunkin doughnuts?

Mom: ok

Sophie and me: *fangirls The Whole way about doughnuts*

(We have gotten the doughnuts and got home)


Dex: Brilliant! Not just frosting, but cream inside 

Me: mhm

Fitz: meh

Me: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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