His Secrets - Tsukasa x Reader

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You weren't exactly sure how it happened. In all honesty, you couldn't remember anything about your past.

With a grin, he had told you that you had died in the most tragic way at this school and came to him in tears, begging him to give you your wish. But you didn't ever remember that happening.

What was your wish?

Each time you asked him, he would ignore your question and smile brightly, suddenly clinging onto your back.

"[Y/N]!" He would say with enthusiasm. "I'm your only friend rightttt?" He would whisper into your ear, getting a bit too close for your own comfort.

Something about his tone would always change and even as a ghost, you'd feel the chills that went down you. His dark hair would sometimes brush against your [H/C] hair as he leaned against your head, the rim of his hat poking you.

And what could you do really? You were a ghost, not being able to be seen by most human eyes. Your chances of being able to make friends was very low. And his two friends never seemed to acknowledge your existence.

The beautiful green haired girl would suddenly turn away each time she somewhat glanced at you and the red haired boy wasn't much different. But you had seen him on the school campus before and he acted completely different. He acted... Happy.

You couldn't help but wonder.

Were you the problem?

"Yes, you are." You would respond to Tsukasa, fully accepting it as the truth. You hated how defenseless you sounded, but you were being honest. And he loved that. "Thank you for that..."

"Of course!" Tsukasa would respond a bit too quickly, overjoyed. "[Y/N] loves me! [Y/N] loves me!"

You would smile a bit, not thinking much of it. In all, he was your friend right? Surely he wouldn't abandon or ignore you. Something about him seemed scary, but you just needed to let that go. You were being paranoid.

It wasn't until one day when everything seemed to come crashing down on you.

You sat on the low branch of a tree, feeling the wind lightly blow against your [H/C] hair as you watched the P.E. class play outside. The sun seemed to shine down on you, but of course, no one would be able to notice you. You kicked your legs a bit, watching as a section of the class seemed to celebrate their win. You didn't remember what the game was called, but it looked fun enough.

"We did it guys!" One voice seemed to call out and a round of high fives went around. They looked so happy, so perfect. It felt like they all belonged together.

A pang of jealousy seemed to hit you and you couldn't help but hate yourself for it. They just looked so cheerful and you wanted it yourself.

Tsukasa was a great friend to you, always giving you little treats and hugs. But it didn't make you feel safe. And you knew you wanted more than just one friend, as greedy as that sounded.

Everyone else seemed to hate you. If Tsukasa couldn't even get his own friends to like you, there must be something wrong with you. No one else could look at you. No one else could talk to you. No one else could acknowledge you being there. It must be because you're such an awful person.

You couldn't handle it anymore, tears starting to slowly trail down your face as your body shook. You tried to jump down, but your hand slipped, and you fell onto the ground, hurting your knees and your hands. It seemed like even when you were dead, you couldn't have peace.

You seemed to get embarrassed, forgetting that you couldn't be seen by the class, and ran back into the building crying.

You didn't know where you were going, but that didn't matter. You ran through the halls, your legs shaking and your mind full of self-hatred comments.

You found yourself entering an empty classroom, shutting the door and curling up against the wall with your knees to your chest. You buried your head, trying to cry as quietly as you could.

Why you?

Why did it have to be you?

What did you do?

Why did you have to be so worthless?

This wasn't fair. You just wanted to disappear. But for some unknown reason, you couldn't.

You continued to sob, your head starting to hurt from how much you were crying. After a while, you slowly started to calm down, but tears continued to fall down your cheeks as you whimpered.

"Are you gonna keep this up forever [Y/N]?"

You recognized the voice and glanced up a bit, seeing the dark haired ghost. His amber eyes looked across from you, into your [E/C] ones. His head was tilted a bit, and even through seeing your sadness, he had a small smirk.

You wanted to punch him. He was the reason you still had to stay here and he never told you anything. You deserved to know the truth but he had always been so keen on keeping it to himself. But looking at him, you just couldn't.

"How long were you there...?" You asked Tsukasa, sniffling.

"Hmmm..." He put his pointer finger to his mouth, pretending to think. "The whole time!" His expression seemed to brighten and you didn't understand why he seemed so happy seeing you upset.

"But [Y/N], why are you sad? Did someone hurt you?" He looked at you, his stare making you somewhat uncomfortable. You glanced away, changing your position so that your legs were crisscrossed just like how he sat.

"It's nothing..." Your eyes seemed to tear up more, your chest tightening.

He leaned forward, wiping a tear that went down your cheek with the tip of his finger. He brought the finger back to his mouth, licking your salty tear.

"Lying is fun and all, but it doesn't suit you," he responded, leaning his face closer to yours. "If you're going to lie, bunny, at least do it right."

Your head turned to him at the sudden nickname, not expecting it and he grabbed your face tightly with his hands causing your eyes to widen. He grinned, looking at you. He was so close and you didn't know what to do. You blushed, your heart beating quickly.

"Here. I can lie to you too. I think you're stupid, smelly, ugly, and unlovable. I hate every second I'm around you. Should I go on?" He looked at you, no longer smiling. His aura seemed different, darker, but you couldn't explain it.

You almost started to cry again, accepting what he was saying. But then you recognized he told you he could lie as well.

"But that means-"

"Exactly! You're absolutely amazing and I'm so happy to have you." He smiled again, cutting you off and suddenly jumping to you to hug you. You were relieved he was no longer grabbing your face.

For some reason, he felt warm pressed against you, his small arms wrapped around you.

"If you ever think you're anything less than perfect, I'll destroy those thoughts for you."

You didn't know what to say and just nodded. You couldn't help but doubt it.

"But if we want to switch things around and be honest, I can do that too. Not right away of course." He couldn't help but smirk, something you couldn't see. "But if you want to figure out the truth, you'll have to discover it with me by your side."

"Thank you," you simply responded as he pulled away from the hug.

"You only deserve it," he whispered, suddenly kissing your cheek. You blushed and he giggled, quickly getting up and opening the classroom door. "Now follow meeee! I need to actually introduce you to someone." He said, floating out of the classroom.

You started slowly getting up and looking out the classroom window. He seemed a lot happier now and at least you knew he was going to help you. Help you make a new friend. Help you discover the truth. Help you feel wanted. You didn't have to feel alone.

Maybe now things would be different.

You thought, looking away from the window with a smile and following him back to the broadcasting room.

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