A Choice - Yandere!Kou x Reader

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Trigger Warning: Death, blood, aggressive behaviors, difficulty breathing, forced affection, and other yandere content

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No words could ever even begin to express how hurt you were at what you saw. You felt like you had been thrown off a helicopter, falling further and further down until a pitiful feeling of despair and turmoil, your [H/C] colored hair blowing harshly in the wind as gravity pulled you at a terrifying speed. Soon enough you made contact with the ground, your body shattering into a billion pieces— but in reality, your hair was only blowing a small amount in the nice breeze and you weren't the one who was snapped into a billion pieces.

Mitsuba was.

You wanted to scream— not at what was there, but what wasn't.

At the spot on the concrete Mitsuba had once stood was only shattered looking pieces of glass and a large amount of cherry blossoms. The shards of glass were strange. They weren't clear, but instead looked like they were painted. They displayed pink, yellow, blue, white, and a skin tone you couldn't name but one that looked extremely familiar nonetheless. Of course it looked familiar. That was the same color of Mitsuba's fair skin.

Kou stood in front of the mess, panting with his raiteijou held firmly in his hand, pointed outwards. You had seen everything happen with your own two eyes, but you could sum it up in one sentence. 

Kou exorcised Mitsuba.

You all believed you could trust him. You, Hanako, Nene, you all felt like he deserved the spirit staff at its full ability because of how kind he's been. Instead of exorcising spirits, he helped them. It was clear how close him and Mitsuba were, so you couldn't believe he would do a thing like this.

It seemed like he didn't either, because his staff slowly lowered and his other hand quickly found its way over his mouth. Even with his hand in front of his lips you could still make out the sob he made. Tears began to fill his blue colored eyes, just as tears filled your [E/C] ones. Whereas Kou sobbed, you let out a yell of terror.

Kou's eyes, which had been focused on the flowers and the glass, found their way to you as his head snapped in your direction, his short blond hair blowing similar to yours. He hated this more than anything. You weren't supposed to see this! This wasn't even supposed to happen! He killed someone he cared about and you had viewed all of it. He wanted to fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness, but he didn't. That isn't what you needed. Instead, he could only say your name.

"[Y/N] - senpai!" A sudden shakiness seemed to find its way into his usually smooth voice. Your eyes were wide as you looked at him and not knowing what to do, you only turned to run for help. That was, until, you were pulled back by your school uniform, hearing a metal like sound seem to clank onto the ground. Kou's arms wrapped around you from behind and his grip was incredibly tight.

A murderer was forcefully hugging you. Even if Kou was one of your best friends, he had just gotten rid of Mitsuba. You'd never hear his giggles, his teasing comments, his overdramatic noises of surprises. Mitsuba was gone forever and you didn't know what to do. You felt helpless, but all the same you tried to pull Kou's grip off of you, tears falling down your face. You needed Hanako! He'd know what to do!

"Kou, let go! Help! Help! Someone help!" you cried as you stood on the concrete sidewalk, but it wasn't as if anyone could hear you. That's what you got for staying so late after school. You and your friends had done that countless times before, but never once had you ever even considered this happening. 

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