Pictures - Mitsuba x Reader

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You poked at the dark green leaf in front of you, somewhat harshly, as you sighed in annoyance. Looking at bushes or whatever wasn't exactly what you had in mind for fun. You had already been dragged along a few places, much to your displeasure.

If you were gonna look at plants, couldn't it be like flowers or mushrooms? You had been looking at the greenest plants for what felt like a billion years.

You started to curl up one of the other leaves, just trying to entertain yourself when you felt a sudden light slap hit the top of your hand.

You flinched then turned your head to be met with a pink eye.

"Hey, [Y/N]! Don't touch the center of the shot! Or you'll just ruin it and it'll be a waste of my precious time." Mitsuba pouted as you reluctantly moved your hand away.

"But it's- It's a bush. What's so cool about that?" You responded, looking back at the bush.

"You might not think it's cool since you have absolutely no taste, but I can get the angle just right," the pink haired boy bragged.

"And?" You teased a bit, but honestly questioning why he seemed so enticed with something like a bush. Sure, he was great at taking photos, but was this really the right thing to take a picture of?

"And take the best photo ever, you [H/C] haired idiot! Everyone will be surprised when they see that this bush was the center of my work. Or are your eyes so bad you wouldn't be able to see it, much less comprehend it?" He giggled, holding the camera with his hand as his other went to his mouth, his long sleeves hiding it.

"I can understand a lot, thank you very much," you answered, tilting your head up with a light blush. "And at least I don't look like a piece of bubblegum."

Mitsuba seemed offended at first but smirked.

"Is that all you can do?"

The question caught you off guard and you lowered your head to fully look at him.


Sure, you could say more, but right now you didn't really know if you should. Was this a trap?

"Hmm. I guess not then. That's a pity." He shrugged, closing his eyes. "You never were good at comebacks."

"Hey! You don't have to be mean about it, Tsu." You frowned, then giggled, enjoying his company. "Just take the dumb picture."

"Yeah, yeah, stupid, I will. Just give me some space." Mitsuba stuck out his tongue to you, to which you returned, walking away.

You walked over to a spot in the dark green grass, placing yourself a few yards in front of the bush Mitsuba was taking a photo of. The weather seemed perfect, the sun beaming down on you, but there being just a slight enough breeze to blow through your [H/C] hair and the air smelled strangely clean.

You took a deep breath, just pulling up some of the slick feeling grass with your clenched hands for no particular reason other than boredom. You heard Mitsuba's camera click a few times and turned your head. Soon standing up and looking at him.

"So you're done now?" You tilted your head to the side a bit, questioning the pretty male.

"Yeah," he nodded, giving you a smile. You couldn't help but notice the light blush he had.

"Finally," you groaned, quickly beginning to lead your way back to the large school as Mitsuba followed you.

"What? Did you not think it was fun?" He asked, his tone almost mocking.

"Come on!" You turned around to face him. "It's hard to enjoy something when you aren't even doing anything at all."

"Guess so, but that's why you should bring your own camera."

"I'm not as good at taking pictures like you are okay?" You pouted, turning your head away a bit as you continued to walk backwards. "I'm just say-"

You suddenly hit the back of your head against a hard surface, the pain immediately shooting up to it as you backed away, quickly rubbing it. You muttered under your breath, hating the way it stung.

"Pshh. [Y/N], you're so dumb!" Mitsuba laughed at you, knowing you were going to be alright soon enough.

"Meanie..." You mumbled, looking at him. At least he didn't take a picture of that, something you know he would've used against you had he did.

"Come on, let's just go inside, hmm?"

You couldn't help but smile at the smirk he gave you as you two walked back into the school, you still holding your head.

A while later, you found yourself alone in the photography room, Mitsuba saying he needed to go get something. You couldn't help but look at his camera that he had so conveniently placed on the large desk. If he was gonna brag about his photos, you might as well see them beforehand right?

You looked around then reached out for the camera, turning it on. You pushed a few buttons, but were soon able to see the previous images.

Your eyes widened a bit when you found out he hadn't taken a picture of the bush, but of you. You seemed to be pulling at the grass like it was a weed, the image displaying you from a side profile. You smiled at how lovely it looked, then went to the next one.

This one seemed similar to the first, but instead it only showed you from the back, the area around you looking brighter and in more contrast than you had even seen in real life.

You smiled as you continued to scroll through the images, each one showing you doing a different thing while you were waiting for Mitsuba to finish taking each photo.

Once you finished, you turned off the camera, putting it back to where it was before and rushed out of the room, looking for Mitsuba.

It didn't take you long, but you soon found the boy and immediately began to run to him.

You nearly made him topple over as you jumped onto him to embrace him in a hug.


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