What Was Told - Aoi x Reader

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Warning: This oneshot includes spoilers regarding Aoi's character. If you have not read chapter 64 of the manga, I insist on waiting!!

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Aoi was always so beautiful— a fact everyone knew. Her indigo colored eyes were easy to get lost in and the way her long hair seemed to naturally match was enough to put any good model to shame. Aoi's lovely skin was soft and pale, almost childlike in a way, but that was no surprise considering the girl's younger age. She was an absolutely perfect highschooler, so it was no surprise other teenagers seemed to fawn over her every chance they got. It seemed every single person in Kamome Academy was infatuated with her, except for you. 

Well, you pretended not to be anyways. 

You had been one of Aoi's best friends since you two were children. In actuality, for a long time you had been Aoi's only friend. When you two were younger, the girl was a completely different person. She wasn't the peppy plant lover, no, she was a young girl who was often lied to by her own father. Only you knew the truth, so it was your responsibility to keep her secret, one you didn't understand the true value of because you were only a child.

If being lied to wasn't enough, there was also the fact that Aoi, the student who was loved by all, was bullied by her classmates. Due to the fact you were in different classes, you hadn't found out what Aoi had gone through in elementary school for a long time. She did such a good job at hiding everything and your biggest regret is that you never were able to see through the facade that she put up. That was, until, a bigger facade seemed to form.

Once Aoi began middle school, she became a lot more optimistic. She always seemed to have a positive air to her, but all the same it wasn't overdone. She was kinder, more extroverted, and continued to work hard in her classes. The girl with the indigo colored hair had become what someone would refer to as "popular." As happy as you were for her, you knew something was wrong.

The Aoi before you wasn't the same Aoi. She had created a fake personality, one that never actually trusted others. Not everyone knew that she used to carry around a giraffe plush or that her favorite snack was raspberry pie, just as it was yours. Not everyone knew how she preferred left over right or that she was afraid of lightning. Not everyone knew that she adored chocolate candy shaped like sharks and they certainly didn't know that she held an interest in playing games.

Only you knew all of those things. Only you knew the real her.

Sadly, you never said anything. You thought it was for the best, so you allowed her to keep up her new image, one that only grew. Others began to love her more and more, which you knew she would've wanted. For years it continued and by high school her bag was constantly full of love notes you'd catch her reading and then putting away. Despite the numerous people that liked her, she hadn't dated a single person as far as you knew. In a way, that was somewhat relieving, something you knew was wrong, but there had to be another reason why she did it.

In the end you just wanted Aoi content, even if a part of you constantly screamed at yourself to have the courage to ask her out or as a date to one of the many dances your school had. The problem was, however, you wanted to love the real Aoi, not the one that everyone else did, but you'd be fine with it either way. No matter which Aoi she was, you cared about her all the same and wanted her safe, which is why it was a bit concerning to get a text message from her at 2:00 AM. 

It wasn't surprising for Aoi to be up that early, since she had mentioned to you before that she liked going on walks to calm her thoughts— which were more than likely ones regarding tests and exams, but she never messaged you around that time. She knew you were usually asleep, unless you had found yourself staying on your phone all night while you lay in bed, something that happened more often than you'd like to admit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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