An Open Door - Hyuuga x Reader

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You seemed out of breath as you stood in the middle of a strange, similight area surrounded by different kinds of doors. How long had you been running around to try and find a familiar door like you were told to? You couldn't even focus on the thought, deciding to just listen to the sounds of your breaths and the quick beating of your heart.

You were completely terrified, unsure of what you should do, where you should go. Some of the doors around you seemed so familiar in a way, but you knew it wasn't safe to just enter into one. If you made the wrong decision you'd-

You couldn't bear to think of the consequences.

It would be simple. You just needed to be 100% certain you knew the door by heart and go inside it. That couldn't be too difficult right? You had seen plenty of doors your entire life, surely you'd remember a lot of them.

"Hey, if you run out like that you're going to get lost!" A voice called out from behind you and you flinched, seeming to recall you weren't alone. You slowly turned around, your [E/C] eyes landing upon the tall male.

His messy red and black hair seemed to stand out even in the area you were in. You had to wonder if your own [H/C] hair stood out as much as his did, but the thought was quickly tossed aside. He held a smile, his lips twisted into a cat-like smirk as made his way closer and closer to you, nearly seeming to be out of breath himself.

Hyuuga Natsuhiko.

"You- Why the heck are you following me!?" You questioned, putting yourself into a defensive position. Just previously, you had been put in a not so nice situation with who you could only assume were his best friends. You shuddered as you recalled the fact you escaped from nearly drowning to death. He had almost done the same, but it was still difficult for you to trust him.

His gray eyes landed upon yours as he finally approached you, keeping his hands up so it was clear he didn't intend on harming you.

"Woah now, let's not be hasty." His voice was strangely smooth and a small chuckle left his lips.

"I have every right to be 'hasty'. Are you forgetting we almost just..." You trailed off, believing it was clear what you were implying.

"Eh. Nope, didn't forget it. Just thought you'd trust me, is all. I mean you no harm. Plus you're rather cute," Natsuhiko teased, causing you to blush in response.

"W-Whatever," you stuttered slightly. "If you mean me no harm than just help me."

"I can do that. Like a knight in shining armour. Just. For. You." He booped your nose with the tip of his finger, something you were not expecting from someone you had just started talking to not so long ago. You gazed down, something he noticed right away as he chucked again.

He reached out for the door nearest to him, which you didn't pick up on until it was too late.

"Wait no stop! We're supposed to be careful because some of them could lead to dangerous pla-"

Before you could finish, Natsuhiko opened the door with a small creek.

"Hey is anybody home? No? Of course not." He spoke so plainly and sure of himself, closing his eyes with his back turned away from the door.

"ces." You finished your word from before, yet your [E/C] eyes widened when you saw the creature that came out from the door and stayed behind Natsuhiko.

It was some kind of strange, palish green monkey with an orange beak. Its pink tongue stuck out the side of its mouth and its neck looked exactly like a spring you would play with as a child. You shook slightly, covering your mouth as you squeaked.

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