Unknown Memories - Kou x Reader

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You sat on the hard floor of the cold room, mirrors surrounding you. Despite it being completely quiet, you knew you weren't alone. Even with your back turned to him, it was if you could still hear his breathing from behind you.

Your chest seemed to tighten as you tried not to lose yourself and break down even more than you already were. You could already tell your nose was running and you could feel the cool tears that ran down your cheeks, yet you still tried to stop yourself from sobbing.

He didn't understand. He didn't understand at all. If you could tell him everything, you would, just so he could leave you alone. But you didn't remember any of it. The only thing you could piece together was your own name and without any memories to back it up, you weren't sure who you really were.

Your clenched hands tightened even more than they already were and you slightly turned around to look at the blonde. Your heart raced and you couldn't help but get more upset the more you looked at him.

"I told you!" You screamed, feeling your tears flow more, "I don't know who you are!"

He seemed taken aback, as if he couldn't accept the truth. His blue eyes seemed to widen for a second, but he closed them and shook his head.

"No, [Y/N] that can't be true." He spoke, his voice sounding a bit shaky. "Right? I mean, we're friends right?"

You didn't know why he couldn't understand you. You didn't know him. You didn't even know yourself at this point. How could he speak to you like you meant something?

You couldn't say anything back, a large knot forming in your throat. You just wanted to run, but even then you'd be more alone and confused then you possibly could be. You continued to sit on the cold floor, fumbling with your hands as your vision continued to blurry from your tears. You looked down, not even having the guts to look at him anymore.

He must've opened his eyes at this point, because you could hear the tap of his shoes as he took a few steps forward to you.

"Even if you don't see me as a friend, I still think you're pretty cool. And I haven't even gotten to know you that long." He awkwardly laughed. "So imagine how amazing you are to the people that do know you well."

"...I don't know who those people are," you choked, finally looking up at him again as he stood before you. You couldn't help but notice how glassy his eyes looked. Was he about to cry?

"So you really don't remember then?" He turned his head away, leaving you to look at the side of his face as you nodded.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" You wiped the tears from your [E/C] eyes, even though you knew they would be replaced again. You couldn't help but shake as you continued. "I don't remember anything. I don't know how I got here, what I'm like, what this place is. I don't know who you are." You sniffled, feeling your heart beat quickly as you shut your eyes to try to stop the tears.

It stayed quiet for a bit, but then you finally felt a warm hand on your cheek, flinching. You opened your eyes, looking at the blonde boy in front of you and your eyes trailed down to look at the strange earring on his right ear.

"Just call me Kou, okay?" Your gaze went back to him as he slightly smiled at you. "...Does it sound familiar?"

You paused, trying to force yourself to remember the name. Surely you couldn't have actually forgotten the name of a friend. But the more you thought, the more you realized how completely helpless you seemed. If you couldn't remember anything, what was the point?

Everything you had been keeping inside seemed to spill out and your sobs filled the room. Your eyes already felt sore from how much you had been crying, but your tears continued and you fell forward, directly into Kou.

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