Unexpected Encounter - Nene x Reader

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Of course. You just had to be running a bit behind the morning of an important test. The long night you had spent studying left you sleeping almost half an hour past your alarm.

The time this morning you could've spent studying more? Well, you had to kiss that goodbye.

After a morning of quickly getting ready and practically running to school, with your [H/C] hair ruffling each time you moved, you finally found yourself inside the school building. You had just a minute or two to get to class and you walked quickly as you made your way upstairs.

Your legs felt like they were on fire, but you continued speed walking. You couldn't be tardy. You'd look like a fool.

You turned the corner, knowing your class was just on this hallway. You had done it. You somewhat smiled a bit as relief flooded into your body. You focused your [E/C] eyes on your classroom door which was ahead of you and to the right side. You sped up your pace, paying no attention to the figure in front of you.

It took only a second for you to register a worried yell and when you finally looked ahead of you, it was too late. Your body banged into the person in front of you, sending both of you back abruptly. Unluckily for them, they fell onto the floor. You winced from the sound it made when their body hit the hard floor of the school.

You quickly regained your composure, your body still hurting a bit from the sudden contact. You looked down to see the person was none other than a small girl with cream colored hair. The tips of her long hair seemed to fade into a soft green. Her eyes were closed as she whimpered. You reacted quickly.

"Hey, are you alright?" You frowned a bit, yet seemed to forget at that moment you were almost late to class. You reached out your hand, expecting the girl to take it as you gave her a worried glance.

"I'm sorry!" She cried. "I wasn't looking where I was going and when I realized I was going to hit someone, it was too late!" She ignored your question, opening her eyes to reveal beautiful magenta ones. You thought they suited her magatama hair clips rather nicely. "It- It's you! I- I am so sorry, [L/N]!" She quickly forced herself up on her own, wobbling a bit on her legs as she did so.

You dropped your untaken hand and looked down to notice her ankles were rather large. They were somewhat cute, as strange as that was for you to think. When you noticed her tensing up as you glanced, you quickly made your [E/C] eyes meet hers.

"I'm-" She didn't finish, her eyes wide as she looked at you. It was difficult for you to tell what she was thinking. You were about to speak up, when you heard something hit the ground. You gazed towards the floor, seeing a small, pale pink pencil case with a skull on it.

Without thinking, you reached for it at the same time the girl did, your fingers gently touching as you helped her pick up her pencil case. She quickly took it back, shaking a bit.

"Thanks, [L/N]" she said in barely a whisper.

"You're welcome," you responded. "But how do you know my na-"

Before you could finish, the school bell went off and your grip quickly tightened on your bag.

"Sorry, but I have to go. Maybe I'll see you again or something. Bye!" You quickly bowed, then practically rushed to your classroom without looking back.

When you made it inside, you were relieved to find the teacher wasn't in the room. You waved back to your fellow classmates that greeted you with a smile and sat down. You heard a few people whisper about how you could've been late, but you paid them no mind. When your teacher came in with a large stack of booklets they placed onto their desk, you knew everything was alright. You had made it just in time for testing.

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