She - Sakura x Reader

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A continuation of "Tomorrow - Sakura x Reader"

"Get back here, Shrimp!" Hyuuga exclaimed, following Tsukasa out of the cold room in a run. The door to the broadcasting room slammed shut with their exit and you couldn't help but flinch at the loud noise it had made as the two boys ran through the school basement to who knows where. After a short pause, only a sigh followed, but it wasn't your own.

The sigh belonged to Sakura Nanamine, your crush. After she had provided you that pin, you couldn't help but fall further and further into the pool that was your own feelings. You admired everything about her, from her beautiful looks to her intellect, but there was no possible way for you to express that. Sure, she constantly turned down Hyuuga's attempts at asking her out, but she most likely had her eyes set on someone else and that couldn't help but hurt a bit.

Your [E/C] colored eyes landed on her pale face. She was naturally pretty and even in the red tinted room her green hair seemed to shine under the fluorescent lights. You could bet your own [H/C] hair did not do the same. There was always something about Sakura that was extremely special.

You had been a part of the broadcasting club for over two weeks now, but nothing special seemed to have happened other than the welcoming party they had thrown you. It was strange how someone as terrifying as Tsukasa seemed to act sweeter once again, just as he had acted the first time you two have met. Hyuuga hadn't really changed at all in the first place, but it did seem to slightly irk you a bit that he too seemed to have eyes on Sakura.

Still, there was nothing you could do about that, so you could only enjoy the quiet that came with the boys' departure. Well, somewhat quiet. Soft music seemed to play from the small radio in the room, but it wasn't as loud as Tsukasa and Hyuuga. When they talked, you could barely hear yourself think. The room smelled of fresh tea and cakes and it was a smell you had grown familiar with on your stay here.

Noticing how silent it was, you decided to speak. It wasn't often you had an opportunity to talk to Sakura on your own, so you might as well enjoy it.

"They sure do have a lot of energy," you commented, watching Sakura not tear her eyes away from the book she was holding. The cover was a color of red similar to the ruby pin she wore, but you were sure nothing could compare to it.

"Yes, that's true," was all the girl answered with, piercing her lips together as she turned the page of her book. Underneath the table, you kicked your feet back and forth a bit, slightly bothered by her lack of response. There seemed to be no issues until you hit one of the legs of the table and warmth flooded into your cheeks from embarrassment. "Is something wrong?" The green haired girl questioned, acknowledging the sound your foot against the leg of the table had made. She finally looked up from her book, only to focus on your face.

Unsure of what to say, you looked around a bit. Now that you were more comfortable here, it was easier for others to make out how awkward you seemed to be, and you didn't exactly like it. Your [E/C] eyes made their way across some of the framed portraits and photographs in the room, but they weren't likely going to help you start a conversation. Instead, your eyes found their way to the radio, which was currently on a dark brown colored desk.

"I feel like we should do something," you finally managed out, almost being able to feel her eyes follow the spot you were looking at. The light brown radio only looked back at you, light reflecting on some of its golden lining.

"What do you suggest that is, [Y/N]?" you heard her ask, trying to ignore the way your stomach fluttered at the way her soft voice pronounced your name. She may have always talked in monotone, but something about it was extremely soothing. Oh, how hard you had fallen. You turned your head back in her direction and you could only blush at the eye contact the two of you made. She was completely stoic, always appearing mysterious, which was a complete opposite of you.

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