⚜️An Old Friend Calls⚜️

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Kassandra woke up in a car. Her body lurched forward and she gasped. With a single foot, she kicked the door open and hopped out. The Davilla Estate, where Tristan and his crew set up shop, stood before her. Oddly, the vampires were dead at the front door, there was something familiar about the way they were killed but she ignored it.

The sound of her own brothers gasping for breath, the sound of water splashing, she rushed into the house.

Elijah had grabbed one witch, by her robe, and drowned her while feeding. Marcel and Hayley were getting up, Kass ran to the water but stopped so Davina wouldn't hurt her, she was still human. Thank God for protection spells. She's cast one on herself earlier in the day, just in case. No time to cast another one.

"Easy, witch."

Elijah jumped out of the water and broke the neck of one of the witches, giving Hayley and Marcel time to jump back into action and each kill a witch.

"Davina, stop!" Marcel begged.

Klaus woke up, with a small gasp then jumped up and tried to attack Davina. Kass could only watch as she stopped him in mid-air. Her teeth clenched, eyes like daggers. "You had your time!" She threw him back into the water and continued the spell.

Whatever it was, it was doing something bc. Marcel and the rest of Klaus' sireline were groaning in pain. Kass didn't feel anything except the pain that her brother felt. Like her whole body was dying, on fire, being drained. She couldn't quite describe it but it hurt like hell and she feared it'd give her poor human body a heart attack.

She finished with a twist of her hand and vampires dropped, the water from the pool exploded, even Davina fainted.

Kass jumped in and grabbed ahold of her brother, her hand went to his face. He was dead, just not for long. "Klaus?"

Once the gray faded away and he returned to his true color, he looked into her eyes, weak. "I felt them leave," He whispered, "My sireline is broken."


After everything that happened, and Klaus bricking Aurora behind a wall, he came into my room and sat on the floor beside me.

"Today was quite a day." She said, softly. Her legs were sore from all the activities she had done, trying to save her brother's life. She looked over at his face, he was pale from blood loss and his hair was still damp. She herself was pale, and hungry.

"Now that my sire line is broken, we have little time before my enemies come to kill me." He said.

She rolled my eyes at his paranoia "Although you have made quite a few enemies through the years, you can't possibly assume word has already spread, Nik."

"Freya is looking up a spell as we speak,"

"Of course she is."

He paused, and looked down. "I was worried when she cut my throat, that'd you'd return to your old body."

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve, brother. Freya gave me a protection spell that another witch in the quarter used at one point. I died but I came right back to this body." She stopped and furrowed her brow. "Wait, you died again and I'm still here." Her heart skipped a beat at what this could possibly mean. She grabbed something sharp off the bed, and sliced her finger.

Klaus stares at his unaffected finger in shock. "What Davina did... does this mean..."

"We're no longer connected?" Kass stood up, the clock showed it was dawn already. "I feel the emotional connection, just the physical seems to have been cut, or at least dulled."

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