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Modeling Agency
(More Girls the Harder it Is)


Wu Xie on the other hand, was cursing to the point he thought his tongue was going to fall out of his mouth. It was the worst idea in history. Every time he took a single step his skirt would rode up, his shirt would tightened out, and the horrible sadistic contraption known as bra rubbed him in a horrible blistering way.

The shoes were the worst things in the world. If Wu Xie had any balance to begin with, it was given to the clerk when Wu Sanxing bought the shoes. Now, here was Wu Xie, trying to attempt to look cool enough to be part of Ah Ning's exclusive circle of friends.

What the hell was he thinking?

"Are you lost?"

Wu Xie's head snapped up at the small voice upon reaching the safety of the sidewalk after an impatient driver nearly ran him off the road.

He immediately recognized the girl, he didn't voice it out though. YunCi stood in front of him with polite curiosity. Wu Xie silently hope that PangZi was standing on the opposite sidewalk watching, noting that Wu Xie was about to uphold his side of the deal.

YunCi stood politely and patiently waiting for Wu Xie's answer, her black eyes kind and soft making the dark brown haired boy feel strangely welcomed. He suddenly felt an odd sense of joyous hope—if he stuck to YunCi, he would be able to join Ah Ning circle of friends.

It was time to play dumb.

"Um... I'm not sure..." Wu Xie hiked up his voice a few octaves and softened it with a wince hoping the hysteric squeaking had died.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you..."

Wu Xie gave an unsteady wobble before nodding, his single braid flapping suddenly, "Yes, I just moved here."

It was the quickest lie he could come up with not having thought of that either, he hadn't thought this through at all but simply dived in head first—into a drained pool, what a headache.

She nodded lightly, "I'm YunCi," She introduced politely, "Do you know what's your first class?"

"I'm Wu Xie... Wu XieXie..." What a dumb name, Wu Xie thought. But in his defensed, he didn't have the time to think.

The dark brown haired boy waved off the curious look YunCi had given him at the mention of his boyish name. He would build another lie of weird parents with bad tastes.

Wu Xie yanked his pink shoulder bag off with a rather angry tug, Wu Sanxing have gone overboard with the torture and he dug out the small slip of schedule.

"I have History with Wen Jin," Wu Xie replied with a hint of confusion.

"Oh, then you're with me!" A voice suddenly said.

Wu Xie's eyes snapped up from the small slip, his eyes meeting curious black eyes, Ah Ning was standing in front of him, he hadn't even noticed her arrival. Wu Xie's heart raced in his chest making wild beats against his ribcage.

"I'm Ah Ning, I'm the senior year class president of All Girl's Privet School." She stated with confidence while Wu Xie mentally tried to wrestle with his own tongue.

"It's nice to meet you..." He simply mumbled.

"Well, I say you stick with us, to avoid getting lost. And we're more friendly than most," Ah Ning said with a plain smile gathering another girl to her personal queue. She turned to give YunCi a small hug, which Wu Xie dreaded, and was something customary in Ah Ning's group.

He would lose it.

Wu Xie's eyes quickly scanned the schoolyard of girls who were mostly glowering at him, and an impending sense of doom engulfed him.

"Why are they looking at me like that?" Wu Xie whispered more to himself. Hell they look angry, Wu Xie thought. But Ah Ning had heard him.

"They don't like newcomers. Think of this school as modeling agency and all those boys over there are the designers you're trying to model for. The more girls, the harder it is." Ah Ning was glaring back at some of the girls, and Wu Xie simply nodded dumbly at the explanation.

"Where to?" Wu Xie questioned praying he didn't sound too desperate, he just want to get away from the angry girls. Not to mention the thought of getting to know Ah Ning was in his top priority list.

"Well!" Huo Xiu Xiu suddenly appeared from behind Ah Ning obviously ogling the boys, "I have forth with Ah Ning and YunCi has seventh with me. You obviously have fifth with Ah Ning, but other than that, we usually run across the street for lunch seeing as the school food tastes horrible. So we meet out here at eleven. We catch up in between classes occasionally, but usually we don't really get together till after school, when we head over Boy's Privet High School."

Wu Xie's stomach twisted in knots suddenly after hearing Hou Xiu Xiu speak with glee and desperately wanted to sink into the ground.

Why do they need to head over to that stock up boys school? Wu Xie thought.

Wu Xie's mind raced back to public school, to random people and horrible food. Public school was so much safe from guys and short skirts—suddenly he didn't like this insane idea and wants to go back—where he could just admire his crush from a safe distance.

"So, why do you guys go there? I mean to that boys school?" Wu Xie strained out, trying to keep the conversation going on.

"Well... we have our duties and..." Huo Xiu Xiu cut Ah Ning off as the pony-tailed girl went to speak, "being at an all girls school isn't exactly the greatest thing in the world. We are at the age when boys are fun and interesting, but it's not that great when none around. Besides..." Huo Xiu Xiu began to whisper and the two familiar girls leaned in leaving Wu Xie to leaned last, "It looks like you already have an admirer."

Wu Xie finally took in Huo Xiu Xiu—she was inclining her head towards him, Ah Ning's eyes wide with wonder and YunCi was indifferent. Wu Xie raised his head up from the small huddle, his eyes scan the courtyard to comb through scowling and glares, landing on the group of boys in their school uniforms, all staring around with bright gleaming eyes.

Wu Xie gulped.

Zhang Qi Ling's black orbs continued to stare at the now horrified looking dark brown teens with wonder. He knew, absolutely knew that there was something different about her. It separated her from all the other girls he had seen or come across. It was something that was bothering him to figure out, and he would be damned if he didn't.

Curiosity had gotten the best of him, but his charm and good looks would be getting the best of the dark brown haired teens whom he had just locked eyes with.

Curiosity had gotten the best of him, but his charm and good looks would be getting the best of the dark brown haired teens whom he had just locked eyes with

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To be continued...

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