Chapter 10: WIN IT

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Audio titled: LEARN TO MEOW

Win It
(To Get It)


Zhang QiLing casually got out of his car, feeling proud of himself while gripping a small white strip of paper in his hands, and a small carefree smile caressing his full lips

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Zhang QiLing casually got out of his car, feeling proud of himself while gripping a small white strip of paper in his hands, and a small carefree smile caressing his full lips.

Game on.

There was a small crowd already outside of the small house that had the address he was searching for, and if his hunch was right, the person he was looking for would be standing there.

Dressed properly.

"Xiao ge! What brings you here!?" Ah Ning called next to Wu Xie with a hint of a blush now painting her cheeks.

"Oh, well, I came to see Ms. Wu. I feel bad that we started off on the wrong foot, and I wanted to try again." Zhang QiLing said politely as he approached.

PangZi inched closer to Wu Xie as the young teen slowly crept away, "Who the hell is that?"

"My worst fucking nightmare!" Wu Xie whispered back harshly through gritted teeth—he was smiling widely trying to act casual.

"Who?" PangZi tried to ask again.

"He won't leave me alone...the girl me."

PangZi snorted, "Should I be an over protective brother?"

"Do something! Save me!" Wu Xie hissed.

Ah Ning and Xiu Xiu were talking to Zhang QiLing who, for the first time, didn't seem bothered while YunCi struggled to get away from Wu Sanxing.

"Wu Sanxing, PangZi! This is Zhang QiLing, he's the Senior class president from our neighboring school," Ah Ning gushed making the bile rise in the back of Wu Xie's throat.

"Xiao ge, this is Wu Sanxing, Wu Xie Xie's brother and PangZi, Xiao Xie's friend," Ah Ning introduced.

Zhang QiLing's eyes instantly landed on Wu Xie while the smile became more pronounced on his face, his hand reaching out for a quick gesture in greeting, "It's a pleasure."

Wu Xie visibly shivered at the sudden change in tone of his voice, the odd twinkling and mischievous glint in his eye, and the devious smile that crossed his face.

But that tone, that slick, suave, and alluring tone made Wu Xie crinkle his nose girlishly without thinking.

"Be a good boy, PangZi," Wu Sanxing suddenly chirped from next to Wu Xie who was contemplating breaking each individual finger of Zhang QiLing's by a non-existent mind power.

"Good afternoon, I'm Zhang QiLing," Zhang QiLing extended his hand towards the real Wu Sanxing, who grinned and accepted it.

Another soul to torture and mentally scar. Wu Sanxing's eyes twinkled, oh how he was suddenly ecstatic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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