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×Warning: The start of this chapter shows depictions of child abuse, rape, sexual assault and other disturbing topics. (You may skip ahead to the next date indication). Viewer discretion is advised×

If you wish to continue, you have been warned.


-03 November 2013

"Kki-Chan! Kki-Chan!? Yukki!" The young boy called out. His sister has been gone for about 2 hours now, she said she'd be back from Kayomi's place at six. Now it's eight and the sky's gone black and he's getting worried. He ran back inside from the yard with his book in hand to look for his dad, "Dad! Yukki's been gone for more than 2 hours now. She said she'll be back two hours ago!" Yukoa explained. "She'll be back don't worry. It's not like she's done anything around here. Let her play with her friend for a little more," his dad said, calmly. Neglectfully even. Yukoa was frustrated but he couldn't do anything without his father's permission. He sat at the porch, motionless. In silence as he prayed to whatever god is out there that she'd come back.

Meanwhile, Yukki was already on her way. She felt bad not being able to come home earlier but she had to take a detour because of the dogs that are always savages in the area whenever she passes. She has no idea why either, she always thought she was nice to them. Yukki was humming along with music in her headphones with her school bag behind her. Not only was she at Kayomi's to hang out but also to do homework. She was still in her uniform and felt uncomfortable wearing her fluffy jacket but had no choice but to wear it because her uniform's button was broken and it'll show a little too much. She was growing quite fast for someone who had just become thirteen years old.

She couldn't take it any longer and took it off and tied it to her waist. The night breeze felt great as it reaches her sweaty skin. She regretted wearing that jacket all day. She walked down some more and realized that she took the wrong path and now was lost. She'd tried to look up a GPS but there was no reception. She looked around for any people to help her back home when she found a man and a woman sitting down, most likely smoking. Desperate, she called out, "Excuse me, can you help me get home?" She asked. The two looked at each other and looked back at her, "Where do you live?" "Near Suzuokajoshi park. I can't get any reception. Please, help me. I know it's very late but my dad is waiting for me," she pleaded. The two couple then smiled at each other and stood up, "Sure! We'll help!" They agreed. Yukki smiled widely and squeaked out, "Yes! Thank you so much!"

They started walking towards their destination. The couple mentioned that they live near the aforementioned park and know where it is by heart since they come around this part of the neighborhood so often, "You look small. How old are you?" The woman asked, "I just turned thirteen last October!" She exclaimed. "Well, you look very mature for your age," the man said. Yukki giggled, "Ah! Thank you! People don't say that often to me because I look like a kindergartener which... is sort of true but I'm not complaining!" She exclaimed once more before giggling.

They were only a few meters away from Yukki's neighborhood before they both grabbed her and placed a cloth over her mouth with chloroform. Essentially knocking her out instantly. They both then carried her to an abandoned alleyway.

Yukki woke up tied down like a dog, stripped off and full of bruises all over her. She wondered what happened before remembering about the two couples. The man from previously came from the other room, "Ahh. You're awake," he said. Yukki shouted, "What is this? Untie me!" She said as she struggled to pull herself away. The woman as well came by and brought a peculiar object that Yukki didn't seem to recognize. She was scared and traumatized. She then realized that these adults must've touched her while she was unconscious. She screamed for help before the woman seemed to place that aforementioned object over her mouth, silencing her.

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