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-03 December 2013

Yukki looked down to her feet, trying to hide her face as photos of what happened a month ago had been leaked by the now locked up culprits. Her face can no longer be seen in public as the photos of the gruesome acts had been circling the internet and once it's on there, there is no way it will ever get deleted. She walked to and from school every day, in fear of being bullied or harassed by her classmates and or senior peers. She never got home without crying, wanting to be left alone in the dark where no one could see her. Everyone at school kept talking behind her back, calling her names and moving away from her like she's an alien. Who was previously such a happy-go-lucky child, now became an outcast. A burden to society. As great as Japan is, the one thing that they never talk about is mental health. Taboo subject, should never be brought up and that's why Yukki suffers alone. With no one to talk to, not even people online because she knows that photo might still be coming back to haunt her. She couldn't take it anymore, wanting to change her identity, change her whole face, her now disgusting looking body. She wore masks, a lot of baggy clothes, hats and everything to conceal her. She didn't feel like a girl. She was violated. She had nothing to do but hide from shame, guilt and trauma that those two malicious humans had caused her.

As she stepped on the bus and sat down, she looked out the window. The shops whizzing by like flies and the music in her headphones playing a calming beat. She couldn't just sleep in the bus because she might miss her stop but also because she didn't want to be woken up and people giving her weird looks. She tried to stay awake until the end of the ride. When she got off to her stop, she bowed down as a thank you and knocked on the door to signal that she's home. Even if she had a terrible father who could care less about her and what she's up to everytime, she still felt the need to at least be kind to him. After all, he is still her dad and she should still treat with respect. She could endure his name calling, tormenting, malicious comments towards her with no problem but deep down, she couldn't help but break into pieces. She wished her mother could take her away where no one would bother them aswell as her twin brother. The only other person who cares about her.

She entered the house, sighing slightly as she realized her dad was nowhere to be seen. She sprinted up the stairs in a hurry, almost dropping her bag and everything in it. She was already on her way to her own room when she heard her dad's voice, "Yeah, that kid just causing me trouble. Now the family's reputation had to he tarnished by some 'rapists'," he grumbled angrily, "That little girl doesn't even do her job around her house with the excuse of her homework. That mouse could never lie to me," she gasped, hearing everything and ran into her room quickly, hoping to not get noticed. She sprinted inside, locked the door and hid under the bedsheets. She softly cried for her mom as she started feeling sleepy, but before she could fall asleep, she stood up once more and grabbed a pair of scissors. This time, she wasn't planning on cutting her wrists like she used to. She took those scissors, binded her hair together and cut it right in half. Even though her hair was already considered short, this one was even shorter and made her look more boyish. She felt euphoric, happy and relieved to find herself like that. She stared into her own eyes and smiled for the first time in awhile. "You look... Handsome," she exclaimed. She jumped up a little excitedly before her joy was interrupted by footsteps getting closer to her room. She swept her pieces of cut hair under the dresser and dove into her bed.

Her father bursts in, "You're sleeping? Hey! Little shit, wake up! You have to clean the house. And don't make up excuses because the women I know never make excuses," he shouted. She was panicking, she just cut her hair and she could only imagine how furious he would be. She laid still while grabbing hold to the blankets tightly to cover her hair. Her father was persistent and kept pulling and obviously won over the puny child. Her eyes widened, afraid to look back at her father in fear on what he would say, "What is this!?" He shouted in anger and grabbed at her, "You already ruined this family by walking alone at night and now you cut your hair!? Who are you to be so free to do whatever you want!? You live in my house, my fucking rules!" She was shivering and only hoped her brother would be able to help but she just realized he wouldn't be back for another hour due to after school lessons, "Y-yes, da-" "Hey! You don't call me dad. You call me sir, because that's all you are to me now, a servant, a maid. Now go and clean this house before you cause anymore trouble!" He shouted once more before letting his grip go. Jimin rushing down the stairs to grab the closes broom and swept the floor as tears started falling out of her eyes.

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