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We opened the cookbook and skim the recipe and instructions again, then we divided our work. First, we switch on the stove to let it heat.

I sprinkled the beef steak with pepper and salt and taught Noah to fry them from all sides till they were light brown while I cut the onion and mushrooms.

When he was done, I put the chopped mushrooms and onions in the pan and let Noah fry them too.

I took the puff pastry dough and put it on the chopping board and put some flour on it, then cut them into four big squares for our steak.

While sprinkling the flour on it, an idea came to my mind. I glimpsed at Noah and saw him busy frying the vegetables. I put some flour on my cheek and bit my lip to stop the grin.

I have seen a lot of movies in which this cooking scene turns into a romantic one. Maybe I can turn this one too.

"I'm done," I announced and turned towards Noah, already feeling giddy.

"Me too." He replied and looked at me. When he noticed the flour on my face, he chuckled. "You got... uh something..." He pointed to his cheek.

"What?" I act oblivious and tried to clean my face.

"Here, let me." He murmured and came near me.

My heart beat faster in my chest, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; I leaned my cheek towards him.

This is happening just as I imagined!

I felt Noah standing in front of me, and waited for his hand to touch my cheek, but gasped in surprise when he blew more flour at my face.

"WTF!" I screamed and cleaned my eyes, glaring at Noah. He burst out laughing and went on his knees while I looked at him in disbelief.

He paused for a second and looked at me. "T-that was- the look on your face!" He started laughing again. I watched him in amusement.

It didn't turn out the way I wanted, but at least the gloomy mood vanished.

"Oh, you are on Noah." I gave him a mischievous smile and took flour in my fist.

His eyes went round as he watched me striding towards him. He put his hand in front. "You wouldn't..."

"I definitely would," I said and launched myself at him.

He ran around the counter with me trailing behind me. "Lexi, don't do it!"

"You started it!" I yelled, running after him.

He stopped on the opposite side of the table. "Let's talk like civilized adults."

I scoffed. "Now you want to talk like adults?"

"Y-yeah, I mean we don't want to m-mess the kitchen, right?" He darted his eyes around the mess already made. "Not more than this. Mom will get angry." He gave a horrified look.

"Hm..." I acted to think about his suggestion. "Okay..." I slowly went around the counter. "But after I take my revenge!"

I ran towards him but my shoes slip on the flour that was on the floor making me fall to the ground.


"F**k!" I screamed, groaning in pain.

This is embarrassing!

"Are you okay?" Noah came crouching by my side, looking concerned.

"More like embarrassed," I murmured, sitting on the floor.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "You keep falling whenever we are alone, huh?"

His comment made me froze in my place, staring at the floor.

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