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"And... we... are... done," I announced after putting light pink lipstick on Emily's lips. I step aside, letting Emily look at herself in the mirror. "You look beautiful, Em." I beamed.

"Thanks." Emily blushed and returned my smile.

It was Saturday, and I was helping Emily to get ready at my house for her date with, guess who...


He finally had the guts to ask Emily out. Emily was anxious at first because it was her first date, but I gave her a pep talk and helped her to get ready.

I glanced at her cute pink frock, which was printed with white flowers, reaching her knees. I curled her brown hair and put a little makeup on her small face.

"What should I do with my glasses?" She asked, looking at me through the mirror.

"Keep them." I shrugged.

"But you said that they look hideous and no guy would like to date me-"

"I was wrong," I admitted, plopping onto my bed. "Darren asked you out even with your glasses, Em." I smiled. "I always thought that looking better from outside will only get people's attention and somewhat I am right... but in Darren's case, it isn't."

"You are saying..."

"I'm saying that he likes you the way you are, and even though I hate those glasses, they look cute on you." I shrugged.

"Who are you and what have you done to my Lexi?" Emily gawked.

I laughed a little, then sighed. "IDK and we are not talking about me, it's your day and... Darren, huh?" I waggled my brows.

Emily's whole face heat and she fiddled with her fingers. "Yeah..."

"How did he ask you?"

"You were busy with Noah this week and Kevin with his parents, Darren and I were left so we used to go to the library together and read books-"

"You read books with him?" I said deadpan.

"Yes- and it wasn't that bad," she rushed, "I mean he enjoyed it too, then yesterday he asked what I was doing today, and I said that I had nothing planned, so he asked if I wanted to go out with him and I froze..." She paused absentmindedly like she was having a flashback.

"Em?" She snapped her eyes to me and I waved my hand, urging her to continue.

"Yeah... um... I didn't know what to say, so I asked him to make sure if he was asking to just go out or go out like a date." Emily blew a breath out. "I made it really awkward." She said sheepishly.

"I bet you did." I chuckled. "What did he say then?"

"He went quiet for a while and you won't believe, his face turned so red that I thought he was going to explode, then I laughed and tried to lighten the mood saying I was joking but he said he wasn't then he asked and I'll quote... 'Emily will you go out on a real date with me?'." Emily finished, giving me a shy smile.

"You guys are so cute!" I gushed. "Darren's a nice guy, so don't mess things up."

"I won't." Emily chuckled, getting up and smooth her dress. "Did you find about the girl?" She asked referring to Noah.

"I don't know. He said he is over, but it didn't sound like he was exactly and he talked in riddles."

"Lexi!" My dad yelled from downstairs. "There is a boy looking for Emily."

"He's here!" I squealed, bouncing in my steps.

"You look more excited than me." Emily laughed and took her purse as we went downstairs.

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