INTRODUCTION ( part three )

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Commander Mayson: no that's not possible those are just myths .

Uncle Simon : well it's true , we need to train him

Commander Mayson  : and why ?

Uncle Simon : DEMOTE SECTOR , just yesterday , The aliens attacked the sector and sadly , they were defeated Everyone of them was slaughtered and the shocking part is that the DEMOTE SECTOR is known for their strong defenses . Look the Layrix......

Commander Mayson : we don't use that name around here Simon.

Uncle Simon : fine ,the aliens are getting stronger day by day , sooner or later our sector will be attacked , destroyed and everyone here will die ,if we don't train Logan , we might as well just kill ourselves before they do it for us.

Commander Mayson : since when did we care about our sector, don't forget that we where banished here.........................but , you have a point, Logan will not participate in the squad tryouts ,  I declare Logan a squad member , as of now he will train day and night .

While they had their conversation, Logan was still in the race and was moving faster than ever , being able to surpass everyone

" I'm not sure how this happened but I love it , who would've known it's possible to have two animal powers or even being able to shape shift , this is amazing " he said to himself , filled with joy.

Uncle Simon : his quite fast isn't he?

Commander Mayson  : his shape shifting gives him a unfair advantage (faces guard) ,once this race ends , stop him and tell him to come here

Guard : yes sir

Uncle Simon: what's that for?

Commander Mayson : his no match for the others , it's best he sits here and watches


Logan  : uncle Simon , commander Mayson , I was told to meet you here , is there something that's so important I had to be stopped, I mean , the duals are starting

Commander Mayson : seat there , shut up and watch , your not participating in the squad try outs

Logan : but why!?

Uncle Simon : congratulations logan, your a squad member .

Logan  : what?!

Uncle Simon : Logan , Commander Mayson and I will train you on how to become a hero ,but you have much to know , about the prophecy

Logan: prophecy ?

Commander  : you want to know what we do here don't you? , If that's so then I think it's best you listen to us .

I was filled with, happiness, finally I will be able to know everything .

~390  words

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