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Uncle Simon : follow me Logan , we have much to discuss .

Though I'm not sure if I'm making the right decision to tell Logan but for him to save us he must know .

Logan : where are we ?

Commander Mayson :you're here to learn

Logan : yeah , learning , that sounds fun *says sarcastically*

Commander Mayson : don't you dare  talk like that , learning is a much needed way to ba able to live , if you didn't learn how to walk you wouldn't be able to move around , now stand up straight and respect learning .

Logan : Sir , yes sir !!

As always Mayson is scaring someone , he needs to stop doing that or sooner or later everyone in Caynor will run away.

Uncle Simon : now listen Logan , you need to know something ............ Logan you and only you can save us all , you see over a century ago ............


The leaders of every sector came together in one place , this was after the alien invasion , the leaders of the sectors are strong and powerful but there was one sector leader who was the strongest and wisest , her name was QUEEN CELEIN of the ARINA sector , see she was the first of your kind , the glow stone granted her the powers of all 8.7 million animal species on earth , when she was about to die she prophesied that her legacy and powers will be passed on   , people wondered how , she didn't have any children but it seemed she was right, the night after she died a child was born with her exact powers . Each sector apart from our sector and the DEMONTE SECTOR that was destroyed have had someone with these powers , they are the ultimate rulers .


Uncle Simon :   so Logan what's your goal ?

Logan  : honestly my goal is to kill the people who killed my family

Commander Mayson : *starts laughing*
So Simon , you think that this boy , who's intentions are to take revenge is going to save us , I thought that the ultimate ruler had to have good intentions to rule

Uncle Simon : so what , KING JAMES of the MULOR SECTOR killed his brother before he knew he had these powers , but he was one of the best leaders wasn't he

Commander Mayson : he was

Uncle Simon: so you see , the intentions don't matter what matters is that we train him in a good manner
So you see Logan you are the reincarnation of QUIEN CELEIN , you will save us all from the Layrix .

Logan : so you mean I have the powers of all animals..............but I have one question, what do out guys do?

Commander Mayson : Logan right ,well  the Caynor society is made up of people who where banned from the Lorna sector , abandoned by their families or who need a second chance in life . The society is in every sector , we make sure that we destroy the Layrix once for all , before the apocalypse..........the problem is that the apocalypse is coming sooner that we expected .

Logan : apocalypse ? What apocalypse

Uncle Simon : alien apocalypse , the Layrix are back and want more land , the DEMONTE SECTOR is gone now , their infamous strategist VIPER was no where to be seen during the attack  , it's a matter of time that the aliens take over the entire world , so Logan are you up for it ?

Logan : well yes I am!!

Uncle Simon: good , training begins soon .

Okay then time to start your training Logan

~596 words

Now that the Introduction chapters are done , the actual story begins , sorry if these were a bit short , but that's was I intended

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