Jaden grabbed his gun as I closed my eyes tightly, bracing myself for the impact. I heard a bang . The weird thing is that I felt nothing, I opened my eyes only to see Jaden smirking AGAIN , honestly it was getting irritating .
Jaden : you thought I was going to harm you? , I hate you but not that much .
Chloe : why did you pull the trigger then ?
Jaden : to put our plan in motion .
What he said confused me , we? Isn't he alone . I began to think what he could've meant by that and then I remembered , his here to kill Logan , his here with others . My eyes widened at the thought and it didn't go unnoticed by Jaden .
Jaden : I guess you know what I meant now .
My feet moved on their own as I begun to run in the direction of our campfire , but Jaden's men came in sight as they all grabbed hold of me .
Chloe : LET ME GO!!!
I tried resisting but not only were they stronger , it was 4 giant men versus 1 teenage girl , unfair if you ask me .
Jaden : you're not going anywhere, I'm going to use you as my bait .
I hope Logan won't come looking for me .
Just when kim and her team left , we were instantly surrounded , we got into battle positions . We didn't have a strategy to take them down , reason being we didn't have anytime to do that , but apparently Yara already had one
Yara : Lisa , get to an area no one can see you , keep your eyes on us and make force fields to protect us from unexpected attacks .
Lisa : got it
Yara : Anna , fly up and use your foresight to see how many people we are facing and while you're at it , try spotting Chloe to make it easier for the others to find her , once done , come back here. Jay , Logan , let's get rid of these camp intruders .
I turned to Yara and noticed how cool and reserved she was , I looked at her with so much admiration , she seems so cool dispite the situation we're in , I hope I can be like that one day .
Time to focus Logan . Focus
Anna flew up into the night sky and used her foresight , she was in complete shock and fear , they were surrounded by what seemed to be close to 50 soilder-like armed men , with them being armed she assumed that they did not poses any animal abilities , this released a tiny ounce of stress from her mind . She then begun looking around to try and spot Chloe , but with so many trees around she couldn't see that much , but she kept on trying .
Beneath her the battle was starting to heat up , Jay was the first to dive into action, moving quite a distance from the others . He shot out webs to two opponents he had in sight , sticking them to nearby trees , he knew they would be out in a couple of minutes but that's enough to handle others . He shot out another pair of webs at an opponent , he then used his full strength and begun to move in a circular motion , spinning the opponent off the ground and continued , this acted as both a defense and an attack , anyone coming near him would get hit by their own companion and to his expectation , it worked .
They begun to charge at him but would get hit in the face by the poor man who is probably dizzy and nauseous from all the spinning . Jay let go as the man went flying into 3 other men who then hit a tree , the impact was so hard that the tree shook . He then ran towards the opponent , he jumped and stuck himself to a tree , he then shot out webs to two men and pulled them towards eachother as they collided together , jumping down he shot out webs to some branches and broke them off , landing on a good number of men as he heard some bones break and loud screams .
Animal instinct
Narrativa generaleON HOLD!!! Set in the 24th century , A broken alliance between humans and an alien species called the LAYRIX and the emergence of new colonies or as they call them , Sectors , leaves the world in complete chaos and division . One boy and his squad m...