Do the salsa dance! XD

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From Midnight Firefly

"Blargggg...Um...Have any of you ever had WAFFLEZ!? *Hugs Marionette*"

All except Marionette and Author : Noooooooooope~

Marionette : Hugz~! I loooooove hugz~

Freddy : Hugger-freak -.-

Author : What? >.<

Freddy : What? O.o

Author : What.Did.You.Say?!

Freddy : I said Hugger-freak -_-

Author : Oh good i thought you said burger-freak because i love burger ~.~

Freddy : Really? -.-'

From cherrydrop12

"Can I get hug from chica, I love hugs! Plus she's my favourite"

Chica : Of course! *hugged Cherry* I'm glad to know that people love me too ^_^

Wolfy : I Love chica! :)

Nicky : I love her too! :D

ColeyDAJ : I cant say i love her or like her but i can at least admit she's a great female animatronic =P

Anon : Me too

Skull-Girl : Who doesnt love you Chica? just name that person and i'll take him or her down for you >:)

Author : I love Chica too! and I perfer her much better and beautifulier than Toy chica :3

Toy Chica : WHAT DID YOU SAY?!

Author : You heard me -.-

Toy Chica : AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!!?!!?!?!!?!!?!!

Author : You're just a copycat *rolled eyes* Duh -_-


From Proxys

"*blushes madly* U-um *runs to Goldie and hugs hidding face* Hugs are fun. Goldie. your.. fluffy Why are you so fluffy??"

Goldie : Because i want you to be comfortable and not be uncomfortable :)

Author : Awwww~ They are shooooo cute~~~~~~

Foxy : You say to everything you see is cute -.-

Author : Because That's how i roll!

Freddy : I dont accept it!

ColeyDaJ : Dont be jelly..... You belly XD

Freddy : Hey! >:(

ColeyDaJ : Dont gimme dat look -O-

Freddy : Take that back! :C

ColeyDaJ : *Smirked* What are you going to do if i didint take it back? :)

Freddy : I'll call the police and let them take you away, You misspelling mistaker!

( Actually this happend while i was Talking with Coley personally, i was misspelling and he came up with this so i thank Coley for this wonderful and Funny idea XD )

ColeyDaJ : WHAT?! NO! DONT DO-

Police : We have arrived! Now where is that spelling mistaker?!?!?!!?!?!?!

Freddy : *Pointed at Coley* That's him!



Author : *Ahem*

Police : Oh excuse me ma'am but we have a spelling mistaker here and we need to make him pay for his crimes!

Skull-girl : *Was eating French toast* We are *munch* Busy

Nicky : So Shu Shu!

Police : We are not birds -.-

Wolfy : It doesnt matter -.-

Police : It does!

Author : Shat up *closed the door on the police's face* Alright! Where were we? ^_^

All : Uh.....

ColeyDaJ : W-Well since what Freddy just did was HARSH! i'd like to make him pay...... Freddy I dare you to do a sexy dance for Mike when your about to jumpscare him.

Freddy : Now i really hate you

ColeyDaJ : Love me, hate me, I dont caaaaaaaare~ XP

Freddy : *Sigh* Alright.... *saw Mike sitting on his chair and placing his legs at his lab as he scrolls around with his ipad as Freddy sneaks*

Mike : *Heard footsteps and letted his ipad off his face and saw Freddy infront of him* AHHHHH! DONT KILL ME! >.<

Freddy : *Shooked his head and started dancing the Salsa dance alone*

Mike : Whatare you- Pfftt! *Holded his mouth but it was pointless he brusts out laughing* HAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!

All : *Laughed so hard and some of them was hitting a table from how funny it was*

Anon : I-I *laughed* Cant take it anymore! XD

Wolfy : T-To.... TO FUNNY! XD

Freddy : SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! *Shouted but everyone kept laughing nonstop*

Mike : *Died out of laughter before Freddy could even jump scare him*

Author : R.I.P Mike XD

Wolfy : Alright I dare foxy to sing and yell the song:"you are a pirate" and chica needs to dance to it

Chica : Easy easy ^_^

Foxy : Alright, ya ready chica?

Chica : YAH!

Foxy : Okay!

( Click on the video that you see in the media ---------------->>>

And by the way there was a lot of "Foxy You are a pirate" But i choosed this one because i thought i was cool and more enjoyable than the other ones X3 )

Foxy : *Finished Singing The song*

Chica : *Finished dancing*

Author : That was great!

Nicky : Good job! Chica and Foxy

Chica : Thank you ^^

Wolfy : Y-You did great F-Foxy ^///////^

Foxy : Heh thanks lassy ^^

Wolfy : No problem ^/////^


Alright were all done now, We tried to answer all of your questions as funny and good as possible, hope you liked it

So..... Since you guys have been asking them questions i would like to ask you guys ONE question





Am i a person full or low on humor or i dont have sense of humor?

I dunno..... I feel like i'm low now :P

Tell me in the comments you're answer =P

Now see you guys next time on......


Oh and Proxys! I know i didint answer your dare on spinning the bottle, because it needs to have its OWN chapter

So yeah dont worry i wont leave you're dare behind! :)

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