Shadow Freddy?

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From SnowSparktheKat

"OK I USUALLY NEVER SEEM TO HAVE VERY MANY QUESTIONS; SO LETS CHANGE THAT!! Everyone, what would you do if you could turn into humans? (My mistake if they are XD) *hides wand behind back* BONNIE AND TOY BONNIE, What are your favorite songs to play on the guitar?"

All : We already answered that question we would take selfies

Author : Whats so cool about taking selfies?

All : It makes you look beautiful so like people say "Selfie is Love Selfie is Life"

Author : You just made that one up -_-

Bonnie : We'd Play 1D Songs Like "One Thing" and "Best song ever" ( A/N : Btw i love 1D X3 )

Toy Bonnie : Yeah their songs are the best! X3

From NighttheProxy

"Aww *hugs Freddy* We all love you Freddy. OK. I dare Everyone to hug there least, AND favorite person/animatronic"

Freddy : Good to know that i'm loved ^^

Foxy : Uh.... i guess i can hug freddy *hugs Freddy*

Freddy : What are you doing all of a sudden Foxy? O.O

Foxy : Hugging you cause its a dare -_-

Bonnie : Dang it.... Why do i have to hug him?!

Author : Cause its a dare now go and hug him

Bonnie : Fine... *Hugs Toy Bonnie*


Bonnie : You're so loud.... its not like i hugged you because i want to, Its a dare

Toy Bonnie : Damn it! Why does everyone have to let me and Bonnie stay together?!

Author : Idk :P

Mangle : *Hugs Toy Chica*

Toy Chica : *Hugs Mangly*

Chica : *Hugs Pizza*

Author : Uhh.... Chica i dont think that Pizza Counts though ._.

Chica : What? She said Favorite Person and i hugged my Favroite Person! >.<

Author : Its favroite PERSON not a Favroite thing


Author : -_-

Marionette : I Want and Neeed a hug~ *hugs The Author*

Author : W-What? G-Get off me! >//////<

Marionette : Nooooope~

Author : I said get off! >//////<

Marionette : I missssed hugs~

Author : BB! Help me!

BB : No can do, I'm busy Hugging Golden Freddy :P

Author : Oh great -.-

From NighttheProxy

"OK umm. Marioneta (my amazing spelling skills) Be nice. He was the original one from Fredbears Family Diner. So Freddy needs respect!"

(its Okay We all spell Things wrong sometimes X3 )

Marionette : I was just kidding, Shessh why does people take things so seriously?

Author : How would they know that you were joking? -.-

Marionette : Opps Maybe your right >.<

From DiamondHeart19

"hi! so question to GF: since your like a hallunication are you related to shadow freddy or not?"

Author : Oh! a New asker :P

All : Heeeello~

Goldie : How do you know Shadow Freddy?!

Author : You cant ask Questions

Goldie : i was just wanting to know how she knew him


Goldie : *sigh* Okay i am related to Shadow Freddy Cause he's my mother's Son so he's my Brother

Freddy : Yeah.... and Goldie is my Stepmother's Son


Freddy & Goldie : No But we have the same Father

Author : AMAZING~!

Marionette : Chill down...

Author : Sowwy.... and you can let go of me now -.-

Marionette : NEVER~!

Author : EEEH! Somebody SAVE MEH! >.<

All : XD

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