Question 6

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Foxy : arrrrrr~ mateys~ we got a massage from an enemy! *Was standing on a table and talking to himself and pulling his hook up in the air*

Nightmare : What world are you living in, Foxy?




Foxy : *face on the ground and the place was a mess* Dont just come in and scare me like that! D:<

Freddy : Look! You made a mess!

Chica : What were you even doing?!

Bonnie : Were you acting like a pira-

Foxy : *got up fast and his face full with embarssment* N-Nothing! i wasnt doing a-anything! >//////<

Nightmare : Are you su-

Foxy : O-Of Course i am >/////<

Chica : Okay..... Anyways We have a question~ ^_^

Nightmare : Yaaaaaaaay~ Question time~ ;) Okay so it's another question and it's from The Same Friend :D ColeyDaJ

He Asked Freddy!

Freddy : Holy Fatbears! Is it true?

Nightmare : No it's false -_-

Freddy : Oh okay.... :(

Nightmare : Did you actually believe that? o.o

Freddy : So it's true? O-O *Nightmare Nodded* HELL YEA!!!

Nightmare : Anyways Coley asked : "Freddy what do you think of FNAF 2 if you haven't played it yet PLAY IT >:D"

Freddy : Well it's good, but is he going to make me play it again? -_-

Nightmare : *faceplam* He said 'if' do you even know what 'if' means?

Freddy : Nope ¬_¬

Nightmare : *double faceplam* This boy is gonna make me lose my mind >.<

Foxy : *sweatdrop* aye.... Nightmare doesnt look to good *takes steps backwords* Let's not get near her

Bonnie : i couldnt agree less......

Chica : She's kinda scary sometimes O.o

Mike : and lovely sometimes~

Bonnie and Chica And Foxy : *stares at mike like as he was a pervert* O.o


Chica : Did you just say..... Lovely?

Bonnie : Mike is in love? With our host? Nightmare?

Mike : no no no no no no! >/////////< i'm not in love! -/////-

Foxy : Aye~ And why are you blushing then~?

Mike : *touches his cheeks that was bright red* This? Oh oh this was from pizza tomato sauce ^////^


*Chica Chases Mike And Mike Screamed ever so girly For his mama*

Foxy : Aye aye Bonnie..... I Think it's just you and me to end it.....

Bonnie : Yea.....

Bonnie & Foxy : So This is all for today guys! Dont Forget to ask us questions! ^_^ And Vote, comment, Follow Nightmare! And See ya later~  Byeee~

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