Someone Like you~~~

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From spikeruler

"What is the meaning of life? *^*"

Freddy : I dunno

Skull-girl : What is love~?

Nicky : Baby dont hurt me~

Shadow : I'm a moonkey~ ( What more can i say? I change my name a lot here but for now i'll stick with Shadow )

All : *Glared at Shadow* Wut? O.o

Shadow : I-I thought that is how the song goes ^.^''

ColeyDaJ : Or you want a banaaaaaaaaana?

Shadow : No thank you i'm fine

ColeyDaJ : I thought monkeys Loved bananas

Shadow : Dude. I'm not a banana

ColeyDaJ : Wut? O.o

Shadow : I mean i'm not a monkey!

ColeyDaJ : Oh.... It'll be weird if you were a banana =P

Shadow : Yeah i'd be slippery X3

From Proxys

"*kicks Mike and slaps everyone but Freddy* Don't make fun of Freddy!!!*hugs him again* And don't worry I still love you!!! *runs away and hides in Marrionettes box* I didn't mean to say that!!"

Freddy : I-its okay... I-I love you t-to! >///////<

( Some of you dont know but some of you do, I love Freddy and I fangirl him too much and he's my favroite but i ship him with Proxys and I thought of something )

Shadow : Never mind i'll find Someone Like youuuu~ I wish nothing but the best~ *everyone execpt Freddy started laughing and Shadow was smiling* Foor you~ To Dont forget me- *Couldnt hold her Laughter and brusted out laughing loud* You bastards, I didint even sing yet! XD

Marionette : EH?! What in the F brought you into my Box? O.O

Wolfy : F?

Foxy : It means Fu-

Anon : Dont say it -.-

Foxy : Why not? Its not a bad word..


Foxy : It's just isnt

( Btw Vincent is the purple man )

Vincent : You can't

ColeyDaJ : Cant what?

Vincent : You Just can't

ColeyDaJ : But can't what?

Vincent : LISTEN! You.Just.Can't

ColeyDaJ : Can't Speak?

Vincent : *Faceplam* I'm outta here *disappeared*

ColeyDaJ : *Looked at Skull-girl* What's his problem? i dont understand O.o

Skull-girl : How should i know? I was to busy eating FRENCH TOAST~!

ColeyDaJ : O......kay..... *Thinking : That was akaward o.O*

Shadow : Alright thats all for today and see ya guys next time on.........

All : Ask FNAF! ^_^

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