Question 8

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Nightmare : Back~

All Toys and animatroics : Welcome back.

Nightmare : And We got Questions~

Bonnie : IS SPARKY ASKING? IS IT? *Too Happy and has a face full of hope*

Nightmare : Well of course otherwise i wouldnt be here ~.~


Nightmare & Freddy : *gives Bonnie a horor glare* Just sit back and watch silently.

Bonnie : *glups* O-Okay......

Nightmare : *normal face* Welp This is a question for ALL of you guys

SnowSparktheKat : "Have you guys ever been out of the restaurant, like, out into the real world?"

Freddy : No.

Foxy : No.

Bonnie : No.

Chica : YES!

All Execpt Nightmare : *stares at Chica Like she's on drugs or something*

Chica : What?! What? I just got out to try pizzas Oh and i fond a restaurant That only Haves pizza and it has manny Kinds of pizza~ It's named PizzaHot~ I'm sure all of you never heard of it ahhh i'm such a genius Chicken i made my Whole family proud.








Nightmare : Chica......... Everyone knows that restaurant.


Nightmare : *covers chica's mouth so she cant talk* The next one is for meh~ DONT ANY OF YOU EAT MY QUESTION! I'MMA DEAL WITH CHICA AND GET BACK!

~Timeskip and now Finally Shutted Chica's mouth so she cant talk~

Nightmare : *wipes sweat* Phew >.< Finally Done!

Chica : *Had a bandage on her mouth* Ummm um um!

Nightmare : Hush hush now... My Question ^_^

"What do you think of the puppeteer/Marionette? I had a nightmare about him last night O.o"

Nightmare : Too skiny, Too much makeup

All : *Nodded their head in agreement*

puppeteer : *getting in nightmares face* Ya think ya better than me? Huh? I'm the best Dang puppeteer here! Are you scared?

Nightmare : N-

puppeteer : See?! You cant even talk, because Obivously your right now will try and run away from meh but running aint gonna help ya

Nightmare : Y-

puppeteer : Tryin to act tough eh? You cant make me scared little rat, I'm the boss here!


puppeteer : *falled to the ground By Nightmare* S-she's SO DAMN SCARY :(

Nightmare : *sigh* anyways! ^_^ Thank you guys so much for reading my story and dont forget to ask~! Vote, comment and Follow and we will see you all next time~ Oh and guys! Seriously?! Is Spark and Coley the only one's asking or what? C'mon! I Need new and more questions for me to answer if you'd all like and Byeee~

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