Meanie's Day

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From NighttheProxy

"OK. *kicks stone staring at ground* W-why in the w-w-worl do you shi-ip us?"

Author : Cause you two are such a cute couple~ X3

Freddy : You didint have a REASON to ship us in the first place



Author : I'm hurt..... ;(

From xKitCatx

"I <3 foxy. I dare you to tell him that and then he has to hug me :3"

Bonnie : Is that a question?

Chica : Dont Judge >:(

Author : Ooooooh~ There are a lot of Foxy Fangirls here X3

Foxy : What about my Beloved Fangirls?

Author : Oh no its just that xKitCatx Is your Fangirl and she said that she loves you

Foxy : OMFG is that true?

Author : No its false -.-

Foxy : Oh...... Then i'm not beloved......

Author : Were not in a drama movie

Foxy : Oh really? i thought it was a drama movie

Author : *Thinking to herself : I wish i could kick his butt >.<*

Freddy : What are you doing Foxy?! Go!

Foxy : Oh yeah! *Runs at the speed of light towards xKitCatx and pulled her into an embrace*

xKitCatx : O.o

Author : Awwww~ Cute~ Oh yeah and that reminds me..... EVERYONE GOT SHIPPED WITH AN ANIMATRONIC EXEPT ME! ;-;

Chica : Why? you want to get shipped?

Author : I dunno i just feel so...... Lonely

Toy Bonnie : No one cares if you are lonely!

Author : Why are you guys so mean.... ;(

From NighttheProxy

"*facepalm as snarls at Foxy* you're so lucky your metal Foxy. OK. What is everyones least favorite thing in the world"

Foxy : Luckiness is my Best Friend x3

Chica : Toast

Foxy : Dogs ( Do you get it? Because he is a fox..... No? Okay then )

Toy Chica : Milk

Mangle : Cherry

BB : Nasty Candy, Ewww >.<

Goldie : Bees

Author : Of course -.-

Toy Bonnie : Bonnie

Author : That's rude! D:

Toy Bonnie : I.DONT.CARE

Bonnie : Toy Bonnie

Toy Bonnie : Like i'll care

Author : Both of you are jerks >.<

Marionette : Bugs

Author : Me too O.O

Freddy & Toy Freddy : Chocolate

Author : *Dramatic Gasp* YOU IS NOT LIKE CHOCOLATINEO?!

Freddy : No

Toy Freddy : Not even a little bit


Toy Freddy & Freddy : Do we look human to you?

Author : How should i know? O.o

Freddy & Toy Freddy : *Faceplam* Idiot.....

Author : Dont be mean to me ;(

Author : I'm HUMAN and I have feelings! ;(

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