Question 1

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Nightmare : Okay! We got a question! ^3^

Freddy : Now? Oh god what is it.....

Nightmare : *sigh* it's not for you freddy -_-

Freddy : Oh great! ^_^

Nightmare : It's actually for.... Foxy!

Foxy : E-eh? Why me first?

Nightmare : Cause your the Captain Fox -_-'

Foxy : Am i, Lassy?

Nightmare : Whatever just answer.

Foxy : how can i answer when i dont even know whats the question..... =.=

Nightmare : Oh sorry ^_^ The Question is from Frostya! And

She Asked : Ooooooooh, Foxy, doesn't it get lonely in the pirate cove?

Chica : I've never thought about asking Foxy that question......

Freddy : Yeah i forgot he isnt with us in the Show stage

Foxy : W-well i dont need to be with you guys For us to be still friends! -.-

Bonnie : True but just as the Asker said, Doesnt it get lonely in the pirate cove?

Foxy : W-well....... Yes it does But between you and me... *Whispers to Nightmare* I dont want chica to steal my pizza i want to eat my pizza alone but here take one *gives Nightmare a Piece of Pizza*

Chica : DID SOMEONE SAY PIZZA?!?! WHERE?! *Looks At All Directons*

Nightmare : *eating a piece of Pizza* Yummm yumm...

Chica : *Saw a Piece of Pizza in Nightmare's hands and her eating it* GIMME ME THAT! *Running towards Nightmare Like a mad man*

Foxy : -_-' Thats the reason why i dont be with them.

Chica : EVERYONE CATCH HER! *Pointing at nightmare still running*

Nightmare : *saw Chica running towards here Like she's going to kill her* O-O' AH SHIT! *Still eating Pizza But running at the same time* SO HERE'S YOUR ANSWER FROSTY-

Chica : *grabbed nightmare's Hand* Got ya!

Nightmare : *bits Chica's Finger Which made Chica say 'OW' And Opened her mouth and Nightmare Placed the Pizza Piece in her mouth and Shutted it* Anyway! See you on the Next Question!

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