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"what the fuck namjoon." jackson said, standing up and walking towards the leader. namjoon just stood there, watching the man step up to him. "namjoon, those were my best men, why the fuck would you just shoot them."

"those were your best men?" namjoon scoffed, he rolled his eyes before walking away from the older and taking a seat at the table. "i just found your best men trying to take advantage of taehyung and jimin." namjoon said looking over at yoongi who's face became shocked then angry. jackson was surprised to hear this, a few of his men sometimes went a little far when punishing those who owed him money but going as far as taking advantage of people who didn't even owe them money. yeah, if namjoon hadn't already shot them jackson probably would've killed them.

yoongi was especially worried for them, he knew how sensitive both men were and having this happen to them was probably tearing them up inside. he knew that taehyung would find comfort in jungkook but jimin, he was either probably with seokjin or alone. he knew how much jimin needed to be cared for and held, especially when bad things such as this happen. he just hoped that jimin was with seokjin until he or hoseok was able to come pick him up and comfort him themselves.

while being worried, he was also filled with rage like no tomorrow. he knew there was nothing he could do since namjoon had then already shot them but he wanted to hurt them himself. torture them slowly until they died after a long period of time. he was so tempted to get up and drive to every hospital to find out where they were. but before he could do any of that he needed to check on jimin.

"yoongi!" namjoon said a little louder this time. yoongi finally broke away from his thoughts and looked at the younger. "what happened?" he asked looking over at the two who engaged in their own conversation, thinking yoongi was listening in. "tzuyu said the mole left something again." jackson said, looking over at yoongi. yoongi looked over at the door at the girl holding a box with something inside.

she carefully walked in the room, feeling the tension between the three. she sat the box down and opened it, inside was a new set of pictures and a note at the bottom. this time the pictures didn't only show namjoon, it had all of them. yoongi with his friends, co-workers, and even hoseok. jackson with mark, his friends, and his family. and again namjoon with seokjin and his family, but this time the pictures were more in the concerning side. that night he spent with jin, where he left him by himself to deal with his own...problem. the pictures kept going, from when they first walked into the room and started until namjoon walked out.

he kept going through the pictures watching as seokjin began to touch himself. this alone was enough to fill his entire body up with rage. he had to find who this was but the person doing this was good, too good. not only that but this also meant there wasn't just one person behind this, there were multiple people who were close to them that were moles. namjoon picked up the note and read it out loud.

hi rm, or should i say namjoon. i feel like i'm close enough to you to call you by your name. you know me, you've known me for years now. since you finally found someone to care for other than yourself, i think it's finally time for me to take everything from you. it's too late for you to stop it, my plans are already in action. the amount of people i have in there watching your every move, if i just say the word, you're dead. but i don't think i want to do that. i love you too much to even think about letting you go. i'm going to get you back namjoon, whether you like it or not.


the letter was right, he knew exactly who this was. jung wooyoung. years ago, jung wooyoung was the biggest and most feared person in korea, the next being namjoon. but namjoon, being the sly person he is, had then met up with wooyoung and tricked the boy into falling in love with him, he learned all of his weaknesses and then some until he found the right time to run him out of korea. namjoon didn't feel bad for him at all and didn't catch feeling, since at the time he was with jimin.

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