Part 14

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I stood in front of the door, frozen. What was going on? I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe. I was frozen. Two nurses came running to the door with a defibrillator. I stepped out of the way just as they got to the door. One nurse opened the door and quickly walked in pulling the trolley behind her. I was just able to peek inside before they closed the door again. All I saw was doctors and nurses.

I leant back against the wall, I was shocked.

What had just happened?

I didn’t feel anything, I felt like crying but I couldn’t. I felt like walking away but I couldn’t. I felt nothing in me only as if someone had come and ripped out my heart. Like when you get shot in the chest and you can’t speak, you struggle to breath and you have no feeling.

I slid down against the wall till I was sitting, lifting up my knees so they were against my chest and tucked my head in my knees.

I sat there in silence. One single tear rolled down my face. It was cold but then so was the rest of my body witch is abnormal for me. There was so much noise around me it was like it was silent. It felt like I was sitting on the cold floor forever but what felt like forever was only 5 minutes.

A warm hand touched my shoulder. I paused before looking up to see who it was. The tears blurred my sight but I could tell that it wasn’t anyone I knew.

I wiped my eyes clean and glanced up slowly. It was a nurse, she had a sorry look on her face. I could tell in her eyes, he was gone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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