Chapter 1

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Just to let you guys know, I am new to this so if any of it is bad i do apologise, I hope you all like it ❤️

"And that's a wrap, thank you guys for watching this weeks sidemen sunday, I hope you all have enjoyed"

The boys have just finished filming next weeks sidemen sunday and like every week, I am forced to sit and watch behind the camera to make sure everything goes to plan.

"Amazing. Now Josh can I go back to my room, I have a lot of work to be done" I said to Josh hoping he would finally let me.

"Not yet Meg, we have a big video planned for next week which starts tomorrow and I need your help planning it" Josh exclaimed, hoping I would be excited.

Ever since I moved in with Josh, he has made me go to everyone of the sidemen shoots which is not fun at all, but I suppose I get to see the sidemen and to be fair, they are all my best mates. I get along with mostly every member of the sidemen, each of them have their own reasons on why I love them, however,  there is one person who I never talk to and this person is Harry Lewis. Harry is a really shy type of person and very awkward around new people. Even though I have been friends with the sidemen for nearly a year, I have never really spoke to Harry, I don't know whether we just never get the chance or he just doesn't like me. But I guess we will never know.

Only one person realises I am sitting on my own while waiting for Josh and that is Ethan. As soon as we met each-other, we clicked and ever since we have been inseparable.

"Someone seems a bit bored" Ethan said to me, obviously joking but I like to tease him.

"Oh isn't it a bit obvious, you know you really do annoy me a lot of the time, always stating the obvious"

I looked over at Ethan and saw him smirk at the fact he annoyed me, he seemed so proud.

"Ethan stop flirting with Josh's sister you freak, we have to go now, come on, stay safe Meg" JJ shouted from across the room.

JJ was an amazing person. Even though in front of a camera he acts hard, once you get to know him, you realise how soft he actually can be.

It had been a couple of hours since the other boys left and it was just me, Josh and Emily ( the sidemen manager). After about 5 minutes of silence, Josh finally broke it.

"So I've been thinking, since it has been a long time since we filmed a $100 v $100,000 video. I think we should film another one, however I need ideas"

"That sounds like a good idea but I can't think of what to do, you guys have already done a holiday one, road trip, Europe holiday and a takeaway one" Lucy was really stuck for ideas and so was Josh until I had the perfect idea.

"What if we do a $100 v $100,000 honeymoon."

"I would need you to expand on that one a bit more Megan" Josh asked while Lucy made notes.

"The $100,000 team would go somewhere like the Maldives and stay in a villa in the sea and throughout their stay, they would have romantic dinners, massages, games, days out etc. For the $100 team, they would stay in a hotel in Paris which would get their hopes up. The week will be filled with cringy romantic things they would have to do and at the end of the holiday, they would be able to go and have a nice day sight seeing at the Eiffel Tower. The twist is, the tower is under construction for the next two months and there is scaffolding covering it and you aren't allowed near it. So after a long day of walking to the Eiffel Tower, it will be under construction"

I could see by their faces, Josh and Emily was amazed by my ideas. I really should start my own youtube channel I thought to myself. Imagine how sick my videos would be, especially with Josh as a brother, he is so good at editing videos, he could teach me everything and in no time my videos will be better than his.

Finally, after a long evening of discussing and getting the video ready, Josh and Emily decided it would be best to start the video tomorrow so they would have time to film and edit it in the next few weeks. After realising I would be home alone for a week, I got a bit scared. Josh has never left me alone for a week on my own, let alone him being in another country. I'm just praying that he invites me to go.... And just like that, Josh surprisingly invites me to go along as after all I did make up the idea.

"It looks like it's time to head home now, thank you so much for doing all this in such short time notice" Josh thanked Emily while we got into the car.

While in the car I decided to ask Josh a question that had been playing on my mind recently.

"Josh, has Harry got a problem with me, or is he just a really awkward and shy person?"

Josh sighed. " To be honest, I don't know. He's never acted like that to another person before, you have known him for so long and he is still so shy around you."

What Josh said kinda disheartened me. Seriously, what have I done wrong for Harry to hate me like this. The rest of the car journey we sat in silence and for the rest of the night. Josh knew something was up and he knew his place, don't speak to Megan when she is in a mood. After dinner, I went straight to sleep hoping tomorrow will be an amazing day.

AHHH!!!! Guys what do you think, personally I think it is alright for the first chapter. As this is my first one, it isn't going to be good but hopefully in the future I can re write this and make it better. Thank you guys!!!

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