Chapter 5

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After dinner I went to change into some more comfortable clothes, a white oversized t shirt on and some shorts. I took off all my makeup and put my hair into a pony tail. I looked in the mirror at my tan, thank god I tan and not a burn. I've only been here for less than a day and I already have a good tan. Today was a really good day except what happened at dinner, I pushed that incident behind me and carried on with my night. I went downstairs to get some water and I was going to read my book outside while it was still warm. As I poured the water and went to head outside, I got stopped by a very tall boy standing in front of me.

"And where do you think you are going miss Bradley" I look up to see it was Simon talking to me.

"Erm, I am going outside to read my book if you are so interested in what I am doing" All I wanted was some peace and quiet. I stepped round Simon and tried to go outside.

Simon stood in front of me again "I don't think so, you promised me you would play fifa if I took a photo of you"

Oh god, I do remember "Fine Simon, I will" I smiled at him very sarcastically.

"Aww thank you ever so much" Simon grinned at me. "Now if you excuse me, I will need to have a shower before I beat your ass"

"In ur dreams Minter" I shouted at him while he was running upstairs.

There was no point getting started on my book because in half an hour I would have to stop. I went and sat down in the games room while I waited for Simon.

I was there for about 5 minutes until someone knocked on the door. Wow, Simon was quick.

"Come in" I shouted without looking up from my phone.

"Um, are you playing anything or can I play fifa" I swear I was playing fifa with Simon, why was he asking me if he can play?

"I thought we wer-" I looked up and realised who it was, spoiler alert, it was not Simon.

He looked around awkwardly and said "I'll go if you are playing something".

"No, no, it's fine, I am just waiting for Simon but he is in the shower at the moment so go ahead and play" I tried not to look at him but it was impossible.

"Thanks" Harry said, he turned on the xbox and sat down on the other side of the sofa.

For another 20 minutes, I sat there on my phone while Harry was screaming at the tv. A bit ridiculous if you ask me. The tension inside me was building up more and more until I couldn't contain it any longer and the words just came out of my mouth.

"What is your problem with me?" I slapped my hand over my mouth as soon as I said it. Why did I say that, I am such an idiot, but there is no going back now.

"What?" He was confused, how on earth could he be confused.

"Look Harry, whatever you have against me is fine. I just want to know what I have done. Ever since I met you and the sidemen, you have hardly ever spoken to me and sometimes you are rude to me. Every single member of the sidemen, except you, has made an effort to make me feel welcome and be friends with me. I have heard from other people you are an awkward person for the first couple of months when you meet someone new, but its been 3 years Harry, 3 years and you still haven't made a single effort to talk to me." Wow. It was now all off my chest and I feel much better.

"Megan, how don't you understand. The first day I ever met you, I couldn't take my eyes off you, you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen. But it was wrong, you are my best friends little sister. I can't date my best my friends little sister. So I decided not to talk to you to prevent me from getting hurt. If I spoke to you, it would make me fall in love with you. I am not saying I don't want to fall in love with you but you are my best friends younger sister. I saw how happy you was with the other sidemen, I just thought you would forget about me and wouldn't care." As Harry finished, he let out a sigh of relief. It looks like that had been on his chest for a while.

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