Chapter 6

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As I woke up, I checked to see if Harry messaged me, he didn't. Maybe me and Harry was just a one night thing, he did say it was weird because I am his bestfriend's sister. But how could it just be a one night thing, I felt the connection between us and he must of as well. To get Harry off my mind, I decided to go downstairs and hopefully see Josh and the other guys. While I was walking downstairs, everything seemed so quiet. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I found out Josh left me a note.

"We have a busy day filming today and you looked so tired, I didn't want to wake you up. Besides, I only booked it for 4 people, sorry Meg. On the last day there's a great day planned and you are 100% invited. Stay safe, here's some money if you want to go out ~ Josh"

Josh knows I love letters, it feels more special than texting and Josh makes sure to write letters as much as he can. I folded up Josh's letter and put it to one side, I then made myself some breakfast. A fruit salad with yogurt is my favourite breakfast, it's healthy yet tastes so nice. After I ate, I decided I didn't want to stay at the villa all day so I went to go and get dressed so I could go and explore the town. I put on some shorts and a top, I put my hair in a french plait, grabbed my sun glasses and headed out the door.

I walked for about 20 minutes until I found the town, the place was beautiful. The town was right next to a beach which had a bright blue water. Imagine me and Harry on a date here, it would be heaven on earth. I went and sat down at a near by restaurant and ordered myself a lemonade. I wish Harry was here. I brought my book with me so I took it out my bag and began to read. I was so lost in my book that I didn't realise someone had come to sit with me.

"Is this seat taken" I look up to see a tall, brown haired, green eyed boy staring down at me. I could feel my cheeks turn red, this boy was gorgeous.

"No, no, sit down" Omg I am so awkward.

"Hi, you alright, my name is Elliot" Wow. This boy was out of this world.

"Hey, yeah, um, I'm alright, my name is erm Megan" God why did I keep saying erm all the time.

"Well it's nice to meet you Megan" he smiled at me. That smile could melt 1000 hearts.

"You too" I looked at him and smiled then took a sip of my lemonade.

"So what is such a gorgeous girl doing out here all on her own" When he called me gorgeous, I couldn't help but smile the biggest smile. He made me forget all about Harry.

"My brother is here with his mates for a video and they are all out filming so I was left to explore" All I was exploring was this boys muscles. He was only wearing shorts and I was definitely not complaining.

Me and Elliot talk for another hour until I get a message from Josh:

From Josh💙:

Josh- We are going back now, hopefully you can be back at the villa the same time as us, I've really missed you and so have the other boys x

Me- I'm gonna start heading back now as well, I've missed you all too x

"Elliot, I'm really sorry but I have to get going now, it was really nice talking to you" I stand up and go and hug him.

"You too Megan" and as he says that, he presses his lips onto mine, he's a great kisser. We kiss for 30 seconds until I have to pull away.

"I really have to get going, hopefully I will see you around" I give him one final hug, pick up my book and bag and I start to head back to the villa.

Once I reached the villa, the boys were already there. 

"MEGANNNN!" they all shouted running in to hug me, all except Harry.

"We have all missed you so much" JJ said while pulling out from the hug.

I giggled, "It has only been 15 hours".

We all went and sat down at the breakfast bar to carry on talking.

"So Meg, what have you done today" Josh asked while reaching over and grabbing an apple.

"I woke up really late and then I found ur note on the table so obviously I read it. Not gonna lie, I was a bit upset that I was left alone all day but in the end, I went out to the town and found a really cute place and I sat there and read my book" I leant into my bag and gave Josh the rest of the money I had left over. He shook his head implying that he wanted me to keep it, so I did. "Did you guys have fun with whatever you were doing"

"Yeah we did, but Bog wasn't acting like himself today, he was happy in front of the camera but as soon as it was put away, he was back being sad" Simon sounded really concerned for him, thats why I love the sidemen, they always care about each other.

"Where is he?" I asked, hoping he would be here.

"He's in the games room" JJ said walking up the stairs.

I decide to go see if Harry is okay, it is the least I could do. 

I knocked and waited for an answer.

"Come in" He shouted from inside

"Hey Harry. " I didn't know what to say.

"Oh hi Megan" Harry paused his game, gave me a hug and then went back to it, "You alright?" 

"Yeah I am good thanks, erm, the boys said you wasn't acting urself today, I just wanted to know if you are alright" I fiddled with my fingers as it was really awkward.

"It's nothing" He was too busy focusing on his game to say anything.

"Come on Harry, I won't tell the boys if it's about them" I gave him puppies eyes to make him give in.

He left his game and looked at me, "It isn't about them" His face dropped and I started to get worried.

"Well who is it about then?" I was so confused.

"It, is about you, well like us" He scratched his head, avoiding eye contact.

"Shit, Harry, I am so sorry" I didn't know what I was sorry for but there was nothing else to say.

"Nah don't be sorry, it's just you are my bestfriend's sister at the end of the day and I just don't think stuff between us will work out. I am always super busy with youtube, I don't have time for relationships. Don't get me wrong, everything I said last night, I meant, I just feel really ba-" Before he could say anything else, I ran upstairs to my room.

Hey guys thanks for reading this far, I need your help. So I was thinking, when they get back from the Maldives (which will be next chapter or the one after) I might do the whole holiday from Harry's pov because I haven't really explained Harry's feelings, only the feelings he has said to Megan. So overall, do you think I should do the whole holiday from Harry's pov?

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